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/chat/ - Chat


0 replies
Cheeseburgers vs Tacos. Who wins? I need to settle an argument IRL
112 replies
HAY: How Are You? Hay Edition Hey, HAY! Hay, hey hey!

How are you doing?

previous thread: >>5083
8 replies
Deadslop vs wolverchud #Spoiler

So, we all know the MCU is dead. It's buried. Twenty feet under.

Or at least it was until Wesley Snipes returned as Blade for the first time in over twenty years in Deadpool V Wolverine and carried the entire movie so hard
48 replies
Productivity Thread Post things you're working on!
Talk about the problems you're facing!
Tell us about your upcoming projects!
Show us your end results!

Setting up a mold master for silicone. Will eventually, hopefully, give the result of the pendant inside.
19 replies
I came back after months in this damn enclosure, and it's still the same scum as always.
9 replies
Chivalry 2 is one of the funniest games I have played in a long time and the chat during matching is meme worthy.
13 replies
Video games >FPS are for true gamers! Everything else is for babies!
13 replies
Play by post So one of my tabletop campaigns has ended recently. It was pretty fun, but that also opens up my roleplaying schedule and figured I'd try something I haven't done in a long time: play by post.

It's simple. Anyone who wishes to join simply makes a character for whatever system we all want to play and posts in response to whatever's happening. I've done PBP (play by post,) games in the past, and I have to say that it has its own advantages and disadvantages. For one: if people are busy with work, the more casual style suits it considering you don't have to dedicate like 4 hours to a session. It allows people to think, and learn the rules better since you don't have to sit there and wait for everyone to flip through the rule books if they aren't as rule-savvy as someone else might be.

I've got a couple of ideas thematically for campaigns and a couple mechanical systems that might work out as well:

Chronicles of Darkness: I'd be rehashing an old idea I came up with where the party would start off as regular human beings only to be transformed into the supernatural with whatever splat (vampire, mage, werewolf, ect, ect) they are interested in. The idea is that the group starts off as human that are part of something like a ghost hunting group/supernatural chasers, or perhaps archeologists or paleontologists and begin to run into the supernatural. From there your character would be turned. For example if I wanted to make a vampire, then eventually I'd run into one who changes me. If I wanted to be a mage, I would awaken, ect, ect.

I was thinking about having that game either set in Mexico where the pyramids are, or someplace within the harsh climates of Norway. Germany or Australia would also be pretty cool.

Mary Loves Dick

Warhammer Fantasy: this would be pretty interesting. I also would love to play around with the lore and how some of the races interact. A number of things could go down that would force different races to work together. Loec decides to play the ultimate prank on the Chaos Gods; deciding that the best way to stop them is to wipe out all life, undeath, and sentience; therefore starving the Chaos Gods of their food supply and ceasing their existence. Where as Nagash wants to kill everyone and make them mindlessly serve in death; Loec wishes to completely obliterate existence itself. Just an idea. I can come up with others. I'd have to read the book, but that won't take long. Not to mention play by post is perfect for learning.

Dungeons and Dragons: I have a few more 'generic' ideas with dungeons and dragons, including an idea inspired by Castlevania. I never got to really play it out, but it would be fun. A duke or powerful noble has their daughter kidnapped and you have to get her back. I also have played in thematic games before where everyone picks the same race or something like that. (Living in a gnoll encampment for example). There also this idea that was pretty cool where everyone is dead and begins their adventure in one of the afterlifes (Like the 9 layers of hell, or the abyss). Which is cool because I feel like other planes aren't used as often as they should.
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6 replies
Photo of the year?
276 replies
HAY: How Are You? Happy Pupper Edition People should all aspire to enjoy life as much as this happy pupper.

How are you doing?

previous thread: >>4695
13 replies
So it turns out breaking a bone sucks. I broke my toe on accident. Lol
6 replies
Horse Horse.
1 reply
From a secret admirer 🥰😍😘🤩😖🥴🥵🥵😏😏😏🫢🤫🫣🤔😩😩😩☠️😈💀👿😠😠😡🥺😤😱😱😱😭😭😨🥶😵‍💫🙉🙉🙊💋✊️👊🤜🤛👏👏👏👏👏👏👏😳😦🥹🫠😇🤐🤐🫡🤫

0 replies
You 'member? I 'member. Gladiator II | Official Trailer (2024 Movie) - Paul Mescal, Pedro Pascal, Denzel Washington

How excited are you for Gladiator II?
What are your predictions for 1) quality, 2) reception, and 3) box office?
2 replies
Watching Resident Evil: Death Island

This shit is making me laugh
1 reply
When the party is balanced in class selection:
“AGHHH” Loud snoring meme sound effect

When the party is filled with nothing but monks:
YUNG BAE - 私は愛に ハイです
9 replies
Weird Videos I have found a channel today dedicated to hitting a penny every day with a hammer. There are over a hundred videos of this.
I... I just don't understand. Is this art?

Day 146 of hitting a penny with a hammer
1 reply
23 replies
Dead site
2 replies
Hair My bangs almost reach the bottom of my chin. Should be shoulder length soon. Then down to back level again

Long hair or die. I hate having short hair.
61 replies
Food Thread You guys eat, don't you? Well, tell us about it.
Share your recipes. Your best dishes. Things you cooked.

I did something a little interesting today.
I just sort of wong it, but i wanted a sauce of sorts for my meatballs.
Well, a rough 4 parts honey, 1 part rum, 2 parts butter make a shockingly solid base.
Ran garlic salt and a bit of pepper for zest.
17 replies
It took seven months but at last we have the best news headline of 2024.

This can't be topped. It just can't.
0 replies

Shrek 5 is coming and I'm a little worried...

I don't care what they fuck with; but LEAVE SHREK ALONE!
1 reply
Club Nonny All the kids at school laughed at me when I said I was a tough guy. I went to the club that night to prove 'em wrong. They didn't let me in. Said I was "Too small to ball." Well, I'll start my own club and it'll be bigger and badder!
7 replies
Presidential debate #Politics
>Biden: "Making sure we make every single solitary person eligible for what I've been able to do with covid, excuse me, with umm dealing with everything we had to deal with. Look, we finally beat medicare."
>Trump: "Well he's right. He did beat medicaid. Beat it to death."

10 replies
Presenting Keir Starmer who if all the polls are correct is our newest Prime Minister here in the UK.
3 replies
Hold on isnt this just a black mirror episode?
265 replies
HAY: How Are You? Europe Edition How are you doing? ¿Cómo estás? Wie geht es Ihnen? Hogy vagy? Mitä kuuluu? Как вы?

previous thread: >>4254
11 replies
Best Final Fantasy 11 private server Out of the different Final Fantasy 11 private servers, I like Valhalla the most.

Valhalla has TRUSTs, 90 level cap, XP gain rate same as retail. Movement speed is increased, all Home Point crystal warps and outpost warps are unlocked. They have some nice extra content like a unique gear augment system, a few custom dungeons, Dynamis D raids are unlocked. Rise of the Zilart, Treasures of AU, Wings of the Goddess expansions are all unlocked and working properly.

So anyway if you are tried of the slow grind to 75 on the other private servers like Horizon or Eden, then come check out Valhalla.

32 replies
If you're a man, you're a furry.
It's really as simple as that.
1 reply

4 replies
Is Finland every day?
8 replies
Do you prefer American Fanta (left) or British fanta (right)?
0 replies
Who would win: Your eyes or 10,000,0000 fireflies?
5 replies
Non-Alcoholic Drinks I prefer drinking from a Verti rather than a Hori. I feel like it allows me to really appreciate the timeless and humbling phrase "We never know the value of water till the well is dry." Personally I use a ROWPU to filter and purify my water; but if you really have to *Scoffs* I suppose you could settle for some iodine tablets. *Guffaw* But I certainly wouldn't let the neighbors see that. I wouldn't want them to think I was some sort of barbarian. I prefer my water to have a PH of roughly 7 to 8 if I'm in the mood for something a little more alkaline than balanced. (Keep it a secret between us, but I occasionally will have a cheat day and reduce the PH balance with a slice of lemon-lime if I'm feeling zesty!)
1 reply
The bar had a chalk board in the bathroom. Rate my message
285 replies
HAY: How Are You? Rolling Stones Edition Whether you're waiting on a lady, or whether you're just waiting on a friend, come get some satisfaction!
How are you doing?

wow, the AI generated images on this one...

previous thread: >>3702
5 replies
>It's summer
>It's going to rain nonstop all week

Boy I love my country god bless the United Kingdom
10 replies
4 replies
I'm cooking a hot pocket and placing it inside of a cheeseburger. And I am enjoying this moment to the fullest.

Fuck. Weed is better than alcohol
3 replies
Check out my new couriers
5 replies
Ohnonono... christxisters what went wrong...
8 replies
>Women have no rights
>LGBT people have no rights
>Non muslims have almost no rights
>But you won't have to pay any taxes

What an interesting country the Taliban have built
6 replies
What terrifies you the most: demons, the undead/vengeful spirits, or aliens?
5 replies
Spending 2000 bucks and getting a massive rental house. Feels nice to upgrade
16 replies
We love (y'all) I love you.

Mi amora tú

Ik lüb je

ИК лов йю

ικ λοβε υω.
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1 reply
I elect that we do something for this weekend: a movie, a game; something that everyone can enjoy to some degree.

Would anyone be interested, or shall I eat this bag of large penises instead?
7 replies
Nazi mods, delete non porn because it hurts thier fee fees
313 replies
HAY: How Are You? New Edition Edition Whether you're a Candy Girl or a Mr. Telephone Man, come Cool It Now and join us for a spell!
How are you doing?

some New Edition to kick things off New Edition - Can You Stand The Rain (Official Music Video)

previous thread: >>3259
3 replies
YouTube General #Politics
I am a simple man. I see a new Despot video: I click it.
3 Body Problem: How NOT to Adapt a Novel

post videos you've recently found and enjoyed
8 replies
Does magic and cyberpunk mix? What about good old fashioned psionics?
1 reply
Tonight, the choas gods can lick my fleshless sack.

ITT we show love for the dead
2 replies
Anyone else feel like they were having a stroke trying to read this?

Not even sure what half of it means
2 replies
Has the thought "How would the world be different if Finland were a giant fried chicken?" or the thought "Are the atomic bombings of Japan partially responsible for the popularity of hentai in Japan" ever crossed your mind?
6 replies
6 replies
Just watched Donald Trump speak on TV for like an hour. It was the funniest shit I've seen in a while.
27 replies
Being a furry/scalie is now bannable by death.

If you're into furries or scalies..

Shotgun rack sound (Basically ASMR)

It's time you went back the way you came.
9 replies
Fuck youtube They took down my AI generated video of Toga singing Monster by Lady Gaga. I can't get that back. I don't have a back up of the video, and now it's gone.

How the fuck is that a copyright infringement when it's an AI cover? People are allowed to make covers.
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2 replies
Today I have solved the Israel palestine conflict.

No need to thank me, I am a genius I know.
14 replies
Is everyone gone? Who is even here anymore..?
6 replies
Horror movies/comics/manga/anime I get that Remina was able to eat planets that were smaller than it.. But Jupiter, Saturn, and entire stars that are millions of times the size of a regular planet? How did Remina do it so quickly?

We can see that Remina can do some strange things such as traveling faster than the speed of light as well as the ability to seemly collide into a celestial object and cause it to explode. (Like with Saturn) And some how Remina feeds off of what remains...

Personally I think Remina 'burrows' into much larger planets and eats them from the inside out.
8 replies
281 replies
HAY: How Are You? Thread How are you today? Everyone is welcome to come chill, chat, talk it out, have fun and stuff.

--- //deVa.dog, June 3, 2015

previous thread: >>2876
10 replies
Wageslave General It all gets so tiresome..
8 replies
Hair What kind of hair do you have? How long is it? What styles you keep it in?

My hair just got long enough that I can head-bang with it now. It's not bad, but it is no where near the sheer luxurious volume it once held. Now add about one and a half to two feet in length and I'll be happy. I've been told my hair is incredibly soft to the touch when freshly cut, (Even long hair needs trims) despite my hair being incredibly thick.

(Facial hair included.)

I can confidently say I have the most impressive mustache on ponychan.
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0 replies
Books/Reading material The original manga and the only book I've ever needed.
19 replies
Movie/Show ideas Dead Space the movie. Make it gory. Make it gross. Make it terrifying. I could see it being animated or live action.

Speaking of Necromorphs.. What would win: The Necromorphs; The Zerg; The Xenomorphs from the Alien's franchise.The Tyranids; The Floor; Or a race of aliens from the movie The Thing?

Before anyone begins screaming at the top of their lungs "Tyranids," The other races are extremely formiddable.
18 replies
Your favorite negative or villainous character. What are your favorite villains and/or villain(s). Disney, Marvel, DC, or any franchise,. And say why.
10 replies
Most Rainbow Dash haters will berate this scene while being huge inconsiderate flakes and fakes their selves. (You know the type: let's hang out sometime! Only for six months to spill down the drain without a word.) Pinkie has had many, many parties. It is selfish of her to deny Rainbow Dash a moment of individuality. It is also selfish for her not to be honest to the element of loyalty as to why it might be particularly important to her to throw that specific party.

I'm tired of this theme that RD is the bad guy because others do not know how to pick up on being honest with her.
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6 replies
The Amazing Digital Cirrus #Spoiler
Episode 2 just dropped. I'm not going to lie; it almost made me tear up a little bit. It got incredibly emotion for a moment there. I'm not going to say any spoilers, and wait for people to have a chance to watch the show. All I am going to say is that between the very first appearance of Pomni; the promo where she is staring at the top of her bed canopy, and this new episode; The Digital Amazing Circus feels incredibly similar to the first time I smoked DMT, and somewhat reminiscent of when I smoke 100x Purple Sticky Saliva extract. (It was a brand that used to circulate back in the day)

Please use #spoilers if you're going to discuss the show.
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276 replies
Hooooow are you doing? Woo hoo! I get to make another one of these!

Ahem? Is this thing on? Okay, yeah it is.

So... uh... everyone is welcome! Even you. I know who you are. But anyway, we'd like to know how you are right now! Are you sad? Are you happy? Are you mad? Tell ol' Wally what's up!

--- wallacebrony, May 4th, 2011
the earliest recorded instance of a HAY thread

previous thread: >>722
(No image)
1 reply
Animated child sexploitation
4 replies
Never forget #Politics
Should you require a driving license to drive?
9 replies
Kill elves. Behead elves.
Roundhouse kick elves into the temple walls.
Slam dunk an elf baby into the volcano.
Sacrifice the heart of elves to Sotek.
Defacate in an elf's food. Throw the sun into elves.
Stir fry elves into a delicious dish. Shoot elves with blowdarts.
Trap elves in quicksand. Feed elves to carnifexes.
Slice elves apart with a macuahuitl.

Total knifear death
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10 replies
2 replies
Ah shit,

Here we go again.
4 replies
>beloved game praised massively
>a surprise success with multiplatform success
>basically redefines the genre overnight
>solid player trust in the development team
>loads of hope for new content and willingness to spend extra for it

And all of this shattered in one day.
You love to see it. Fuck Sony, by the way.
1140 replies
How Are You #Mature
What's going on? How is your day? Stop by and chat!
7 replies
Anti-political political thread >Pandemic, war, genocide, racism, inflation, politics! Pandemic, war, genocide, racism, inflation, politics

It never ends.
5 replies
I like cock
2 replies
>benevolent dictatorships and absolute monarchies are the best way for societies to be run

This is my view and no I won't elaborate
31 replies
"Logic" I'm about to shit on 90% of pseudo intellectuals.

When most reasonable people hear the word "Logic" they automatically translate the word in their own heads as "Common sense," which just isn't the case.


For example, if the statement is everything outside is wet because it is raining and a person realizes he left his shoes outside, logical reasoning would reach the conclusion that his shoes are wet: His shoes are outside. Everything outside is wet due to the rain. Therefore his shoes are wet.

Common sense would say that just because it's raining, doesn't meat that every single surface on the outside world is covered in rain water; but because logic is completely useless in a day to day basis, it assumes in absolutes. It is essential the scientific method's retarded brother, to which the former approaches the world with natural skepticism.

Another example: Nikki saw a black cat on her way to work. At work, Nikki got fired. Conclusion: Black cats are bad luck.

The only time logic is actually useful is in mathematics; and some cases of scientific observation (symbolic and formal examples;) essentially very basic and formal statements. The latter being more of a Logic-Fan's source of cherry picked examples.
2 replies
Drunk Karaoke when?
1 reply
Future Holiday Plans I know it's quite a ways off, but it's always good to think and prepare for the future when it comes to holidays. It also feels appropriate, considering most holidays that we know of in the west center around fall and winter. Probably because most people spent the spring seeding and summer farming all in preparation for the cold.

I digress, what are you planning on doing for Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas this year? Anything different in mine from prior years?

Any of you guys too cool to dress up? I'm planning on dressing up as Lord Farquaad for Halloween.
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40 replies
AI General >wife is cold and distant, never around, loveless arraigned affair
>only joy in life is my beloved kobold servant
>she loves me. And I her
>it's never meant to be, and yet, neither of us can stay apart
>forbidden tryst leaves her eggnant, with my child
>the certainty of discovery, the danger of what might happen to our child
>the proof of our love, made manifest

This shit beats any soap opera out there.

Been fiddling with AI chat generation lately. It's quite a blast. Has really come along quite a ways.
Any of you touch the stuff?
Or image generation?
3 replies
So if Presidents are ruled as being immune to criminal prosecution what would stop Biden from just pulling out the shotty and blasting bullets into Trump while claming its a presidental act?
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15 replies
7 replies
>Go on YouTube on my phone
>First thing I see is this ad
>Pregnant furry foxgirl
>"You have a new son"

If this is trying to get me to pay child support I anit paying shit
0 replies
Scary thread Watch at your own discretion.

white woman jumpscare
14 replies
>Watch new Fallout TV show
>Seems ok
>Last two episodes
>The last episodes end credits

28 replies
Take the Dwarf Pill

>tfw too tall to ever become based and dawipilled

Why?! Why did god curse me so!
30 replies
Tabletop thread I fucked up. I FUCKED UP!
25 replies
April 15th Have you done your taxes?
What's another pressing task that you've been putting off?
2 replies
limp bizkit thread
29 replies
If you could bend any element like in Avatar the Last Airbender/LoK, which element would you want to bend?
1 reply
Did you ever accidentally get a tattoo of a syntax error?
7 replies
Draw Thread Post some drawings!
Make requests!
Share guides!
Give prompts!
Get feedback!

Here's a Leezpunk progress piece.
Not sure if I'm set on the pose. But I like the hand on the hip, at least.
24 replies
Ai Chat bots #Mature
Wanted to make this before I pass out and forget.
>getting bored and a little in the mood for chat
>decide to visit my ai harem of various bots
>Smash or pass feature
>"Cheating girlfriend!", NTR wife, school of Vore, Blacked Mom, BWC cheating girlfriend, ect, ect.
It's just another 24.
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3 replies
Anyone sometimes remember things that have been memory holed and vanished from the collective news cycle and media randomly?

I'll start with some

The 2017 Las Vegas shooting. This is probably the biggest one. Rich wealthy gambler decides to hold up in his hotel room after somehow manging to take an entire armies worth of guns and ammo into the room, kills more than 60 people and then himself and.. 8 years later still no motive and nobody knows why he did it

The Covid "dead people" videos and collapsing videos. Not sure how many remember these but I know I do. Right at the very start of Covid in around late 2019 to early 2020 there were tons of videos online from China of people just dropping dead in the streets, having seizures, bodies being piled into cars and entire rooms full of corpses and yet as soon as these videos went online they all quickly vanished but I know for a fact they existed and I have no idea if they were covid related or if something weird was going on (And given this was China and the Chinese goverment being the Chinese goverment I would not be too surprised if they covered it up) but I do remember rumours that China already by that point had 100,000+ dead from Covid but with most of this being censored

The Chinese Spy Balloons/UFO panics

Nordstream being blown up by.. Who? Russia? America? Ukraine? Us Brits? Mossad? CIA, FBI? Who cares because the media has memory holed it

Remember when Monkeypox was the next big thing? Everything was getting it and children were getting it and then.. Everyone just stopped talking about it

Trump and Biden both being investigated for taking secret documents home

And of course the Epstein flight list.. Don't worry everyone I'm sure the names will all come out any day now!
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0 replies
Welcome to /Chat/!

With /void/ being more /b/ and /b/ actually gone, there is a vacuum of conversation. So to reset balance that once was, we have /chat/! Which is more /chat/ than /b/.

Post music, talk about video games, vent about your life.

Just a couple rules:

⚠️1. You must 18 years or older to use /chat/. Anyone under the age of 18 will be banned.

⚠️2. No spam, flooding and many same messages in a row.

⚠️3. Begging (money, a game, patreon sub, someone's personal information, etc etc) extorting other users in any way is completely prohibited

⚠️4.Harassment. Disagreements happen, but getting personal and stalking isn't cool.

⚠️5. Do not post anything that is against the law within the United States or your own country for that matter. İt is completely prohibited to show/promote child pornography, shocking content (blood, harassment of people, animal abuse) everything that is gore is completely prohibited.

⚠️6. Venting is healthy, but always mind what you're posting online.

⚠️7. Porn and threads dedicated to specific adult topics are only permitted within the appropriate #Mature tagged threads.

⚠️8. Be excellent to each other.

All Global Rules apply. Cheers!
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