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/rp/ - Roleplay

The place for, well, roleplaying. Feel free to jump in.

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Anonymous ## Mod (ID: f8db3f)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid:   11Sticky[View]

Welcome to /rp/, the dedicated roleplaying server. Whether you're looking for some lite-roleplay, a more dedicated play-by-post campaign/one shot, or something else entirely; this is your board. Simply make a thread, throw in a few #Hashtags as to what you're looking for (as an optional way to let others know what you expect). Out of Character threads are allowed so that players may communicate out of their dedicated game thread.

Just a couple rules with a few /Rp/ specific rules thrown in for good measure:

⚠️1. No spam, flooding and many same messages in a row.

⚠️2. Begging (money, a game, patreon sub, someone's personal information, etc etc) extorting other users in any way is completely prohibited

⚠️3.Harassment. Disagreements happen, but getting personal and stalking isn't cool.

⚠️4. Do not post anything that is against the law within the United States or your own country for that matter. İt is completely prohibited to show/promote child pornography, shocking content (blood, harassment of people, animal abuse) everything that is gore is completely prohibited.

⚠️5. Porn and threads dedicated to specific adult topics are only permitted within the appropriate #Mature tagged threads. In the case of /rp/ this includes Erotic Roleplay (ERP.) If you wish to make a thread surrounding ERP, then all you have to do is put the appropriate #Mature tags as you would with any other adult thread on this site.

⚠️6. All threa
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Shalissa (ID: b0f6f8)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 15

Technically not, but if say, someone were to come in and start ruining a thread then the offender would more than likely receive a time out.

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Donut Bar Anonymous (ID: 1a4434)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 19[View]

#Open#Canon: Donut Bar#Pseudo-canon#Cross-canon#Chill#Lighthearted#Shipping#General #Semi-serious#Crazy#Courtsey/Common Sense/ Fun

All cities have dark sides, and Canterlot is certainly no exception. On the wrong side of the tracks, everything appears to be dark and cold, the rainy weather being but an exclamation mark deepening the atmosphere of alienation and lurking fear.

The atmosphere changes though, as soon as you pass the worn door over the neon sign saying, in bright bold letters [U]D NUT BAR
Who Framed Roger Rabbit OST 18-Valiant & Valiant (Version B)

Inside, amongst the tables and chairs dating back to the last century, with their nicks and stains and worn out padding, you can finally get yourself dry, drink something hot and wait out the rain. There's even a antique jukebox - someone placed the damaged neon 'o' from the sign outside next to it, the stylised glass donut looking a bit out of place with the sombre décor.

Here, all are welcome and accepted – so long as violence does not occur, as indicated by a t
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asdasdasd (ID: 4c0887)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 45


Anonymous (ID: 1a4434)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 47

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The bar doors slam open, and a guy in red walks in with something on his back, swords I think.
wow That gives way.
He takes a ticket out of his pocket and puts it in the jukebox.
He starts singing in the background
Daft Punk - One More Time (Official Video)
He slumps into the stool at the bar and says: Bartender, we give you the best.

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/jYM3z_2YvRo/maxresdefault.jpg© ==> A Touch So Wicked (ID: d18941)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 48

File: 1726338928706.jpg (143.44 KB, 632x484, Reviews for Sonic Four he's go…)

After the surprising interview, Damian headed over to the Cock & Bull, where out of work ronin gaijin were known to like and reblog. Though it would put mad strain on his warchests rizz, he had need of loyal men to help maintain order at Misterly once the soldiers departed. The smoke filled common room stank of stale ale and unwashed bodies. Damian spotted a close acquaintance seated at a table and cut a path through the crowd to join him.

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((( ((( Empress Latula Pyrope ))) ))) (ID: 9b9a49)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 46[View]

If you need a night-action scope filter explained to you then this sort of roleplay hasn't been your thing since 2003.

The lizard people returned with their own expeditionary force against the ruling of the original alien command. With Duke on vacation, they believed they could hobble Earth's response to their eventual invasion by setting up snipers at the entrances to competing fast food establishments! This would actually make the situation on Earth BETTER. Can your intrepid gang make it from one COPORATELY SPONSORED BURGER OUTLET to the next with it's sanity intact after taking ballbusting amounts of spiral mutagen courtesy an invasion force educated on image board posts?

I mean really folks isn't it about being punctual? RL backgrounds and handdrawn characters mean a discount at the local stripper bar.

You want a fancier intro? Play along.

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(ID: fdd07f)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid:   30[View]

This board doesn't need to exist. If there are no objections, it will be deleted in 24 hours.
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Shalissa (ID: be86db)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 32

File: 1721460103349.jpg (8.4 KB, 252x233, CRIIIIIME ITS THE WAY I FLY TO…)

I actually sort of agree. I've always been down to host games and roleplays, but every single time I've proposed it there isn't a single hint of interest; and that's fine. Nobody is obligated to do anything, but it also tells me that nobody here is really interested in roleplaying in the first place. But who knows? Maybe my ideas are just trash.

smile HD by mister davie

(ID: fdd07f)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 33

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>>31 ok then, an objection has been raised.

>>32 I did see your Play by Post. Was that something you were wanting to post here? I wasn't sure if you meant that for /chat/. I was meaning to respond, but I hadn't gotten around to it.

More Darkstalkers you say!? BASED STORM VADER. I name him Darth Sion (ID: 34c874)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 38

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"When last we met I was but the learner, and now before is a mutant in the Force for whom that stage cannot ever end. After the weather, troopers we need to sit down with a planet and talk about glitter stim addiction."

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