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File: 1719266132033.webp (126.84 KB, 1280x720, Princess_Twilight_%22not_the_p…)

I hated the finale (ID: 0c355a)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid:   218[View]

I don't like how twilight looks
7 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click View to see all.

░▒▓║Taiga║▓▒░ !TaigaVQX9Y!!MmhSxkAg4m (ID: ca463a)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 472

File: 1729548569204.png (207.76 KB, 753x835, Osulusreading.png)

I kind of do, but her sharp Celestia-like jawline does feel, well, not so Twilight to me.

I kind of disagree with spike, only in that Im pleased its just how he imagined himself early on, but that too could have been nicer lol.

The age marks also poked my heart hard.

https://www.penn.museum/cgi/hieroglyphsreal.php?fullname=A+ll+E+rgro&inscribe=inscribe Lumaria Azrael Leliel Yagami (ID: 3c51a4)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 473

472 vs Cybaman
You do know how stories about abilities gained too quickly in one upsmanship tended to end? You still need to have respect for the old stories, and not with that brainwave configuration.
"Vow to be the voice of the world she'd hear above all and any other."
Have some vizene for those bloodshot half blind eyes of yours, and let it burn you alive.

Lumaria Azrael Leliel Yagami (ID: 3c51a4)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 474

File: 1729550993416.png (433.52 KB, 430x641, Bumper cars BUY SOME APPLES.pn…)

>>>> >>>> >>>>472 vs Cybaman You do know how stories about abilities gained too quickly in one upsmanship tended to end? You still need to have respect for the old stories, and not with that brainwave configuration.
"Vow to be the voice of the world she'd hear above all and any other."
Have some vizene for those bloodshot half blind eyes of yours, and let it burn you alive.

LUCY! Time to turn off the AI.

File: 1729458130096.png (1.48 MB, 1269x952, 1729301780343.png)

(ID: 35f0ee)Country code: mx, country type: geoip, valid:   470[View]

I miss mlp (for real)

PrincessLuna!/wOFKsimVE (ID: 650742)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 471

File: 1729534409768.png (709.11 KB, 829x589, Greek Graffiti.png)

>">"You've maxed out your credit with this establishment friendo. And now I have to ask you to leave half your winnings at the door. Please patronize us again! Delicious!

File: 1729266566760.gif (2.77 MB, 889x500, Anime girl by the fan melting …)

Shipping Shalissa (ID: f87dda)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid:   466[View]

Discord x Fluttershy
Trixie x Starlight

I need more of these two pairings

PonyPuristv3.0!SfBmcgDdTo (ID: 9aff1a)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 468

<iframe style="float: left;margin: 10px 20px;" width="300" height="246" frameborder="0" id="ytplayer" type="text/html" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/VvgX42PKh8Q"></iframe>

File: 1728796141785.gif (190.9 KB, 256x256, Celestia+Luna.gif)

Does anyone wanna chat about MLP? Nother Nonymous (ID: 29b68f)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid:   459[View]

Gen 5 appears to be on its way out. Maybe this is a good time to talk about what made Gen 4 so hugely better than the other generations of MLP, with an eye toward helping to bring an equally great G6 into being. Here are two major factors:

1. Poetic but hard-nosed and consistent world-building for a world of horses from Faust and the other early showrunners. No sticky hooves. No electricity. No motors. Trains pulled by ponies. Mouthtools. Typewriters with only two keys. A richly fantastic world, but one that incorporates madness, disease, war, blood, bodily functions, birth, and death. The pure initial world picture tended to get messed up as the show wore on and things like go-carts and pianos crept in, but it started out clean and beautiful.

2. Archetypes. Two semi-divine beings, larger than other ponies: a goddess of sunlight and a goddess of darkness and dreams. Three races, corresponding to the three castes of Indian society and Indo-European myth: magical shamans, warriors, peasants. Archetypal characters representing the shy willowy female, the bold androgyne, the mad trickster god, the amorous, male-manipulating vamp, and so on. Extensive and explicit incorporation of mythologies from all over the world.

What else?
This post was edited by its author on .

(ID: b0ae96)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  460

File: 1728905910767.gif (1.92 MB, 400x345, 1395501986649.gif)

I haven't watched any of G5, but from what little I know about it, I would say they did the same thing they did in the G1>G2 transition. G1 and G4 frequently incorporated fantastical elements, and magic itself played a key function in both the show and in the daily lives of the ponies. In the transition to G2, the 'ponies' were really just Gen X human teenagers living human lives who happened to look like ponies. The same applies to G5, with the characters being insufferable Zoomers living Zoomer lives in a Zoomer reality, who just happen to look like ponies. If the pattern holds, G6 will be a horrible abomination of a kids show a la G3-3.5. Maybe hold out hope that G7 will be half decent again.

PonyPuristv3.0!SfBmcgDdTo (ID: abd8f2)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 465

<iframe style="float: left;margin: 10px 20px;" width="300" height="246" frameborder="0" id="ytplayer" type="text/html" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/spcauG9AnGI"></iframe>
It's a good show. I like the ponies.

Nother Nonymous (ID: 29b68f)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 467

File: 1729275208508.jpg (56.72 KB, 511x498, Pinkie_egad.jpg)

Hm. So the pattern goes Fantasyland--> teenyboppers for 8-year-olds--> Teletubbies--> Fantasyland--> teenyboppers for 8-year-olds...

Yeah, I see what you mean. We're in for a year or two of Tinky Winky and Laa-Laa, if inductive reasoning is any guide.

File: 1721646264315.jpg (59.47 KB, 850x806, pathetic.jpg)

Shalissa (ID: e4c150)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid:   329[View]

Birds > Ponies
2 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click View to see all.

Shalissa (ID: e4c150)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 332

File: 1721689338384.jpg (279.14 KB, 1305x1303, Drunk cat.jpg)

123asdasd (ID: 00462d)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 404


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9PPrvjtKE-w MvC@ Secrets 風のゆり "<" (ID: a76dc0)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 458

File: 1728589187941.png (611.63 KB, 518x907, Next Arc of Sluggy about Offic…)

>>332💮🌞 🎀💞
˙pǝddoʇs ʎlqɐɹouoɥ ǝʌɐɥ plnoɔ noʎ ǝɹǝɥʍ ʇuıod ɐ sɐʍ ǝɹǝɥ⊥ ˙ʎɐɹɹɐ ɹɐlos ǝlıqoɯ ɐ oʇ dn pǝʞooɥ poɹd ǝlʇʇɐɔ ɐ ɟo puǝ ssǝuısnq ǝɥʇ ɓuıʌıǝɔǝɹ sı noʎ ɟo ǝuo ssǝlɥʇıɐɟ ɓuıʞɔnɟʇıɥs ʎɹǝʌǝ 'noʎ ɟo llɐ 'pɐǝʇsuI ˙ʇɐɥʇ ɥʇıʍ llıɥɔ sɐʍ ʇuǝɯǝǝɹɓɐ lɐuıɓıɹo ǝɥʇ ǝsnɐɔǝq pɐq sı sıɥ⊥ ˙ʎɐʍ ʇɐɥʇ ǝɯ ɥɔnoʇ ʇou llıʍ noʎ 'ʇǝǝɯ ǝʍ uǝɥM ˙ʍoɥs ʇsıpɐs sıɥʇ ɟo ǝɹnsolɔ ǝɥʇ ǝsuǝs I
S H U T A R A S W E E T N E S S.

File: 1726398175319.png (1.08 MB, 1275x871, Untitled.png)

Mare Fair (ID: 858b37)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid:   432[View]

apparently this is a thing.

September 27th—29th
Orlando, Florida


PonyPuristv3.0!SfBmcgDdTo (ID: a00be2)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 441

File: 1727211218867.png (1.15 MB, 1280x720, fun.png)

If you post as Anonymous you're scum <Krangnonymous (ID: 8e9b17)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 443

File: 1727292797610.png (333.89 KB, 369x889, Curtis heres more pens.png)

I'm going to share an unpopular opinion with the Robotnik for the Sonic Fan Movie, whom should wholesale copy the next Jim Carrey film, and say that the new generation of anime porno isn't failing in what it does, it's that we didn't take the necessary steps to decode the psychology of the earlier.
Big Tits Big Busters Sluggish edge doctor? Certainly even Renaissance painters had to hold onto disreputable habits for research. What if a level that's an endless series of halls in a bombshelter but all the enemies are inoffensive robots, the music is neo classical and it's wall to wall X rated dating sim candy in a museum setting?

Shalissa (ID: 03a76d)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 456

File: 1728210172697.jpg (58.29 KB, 512x768, 1725479441603.jpg)

I'd be down to go

File: 1726373229176.jpg (76.31 KB, 737x709, 1603338117722.jpg)

Lee (ID: a768b6)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid:   431[View]

Tracer website

Anonymous (ID: a768b6)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 437


File: 1725479441603.jpg (58.97 KB, 512x768, My little pony.jpeg)

Shalissa (ID: bd0ab1)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid:   421[View]

Which pony gives the best head?
2 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click View to see all.

https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/matt-likes-swords/famous-swords Hyadains Gonna Freak! (ID: ffb64f)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 429

A̶͍̤̤͔͒̇̓̋̐̎͜s̸̘̱͙̮̳̖̏̀̀̃̓̊́͗͝͝ ̵̼̹͙̪͕̹̗̋̄͊̈͋͜ạ̵̦̗̱̳̝̮̤̫̝͚͖̼̏̉́̄̏̓̎̈́ ̵͖̼͕̦̜̺̬̰̱̄̿͑͊̾̂̇͆͌͌̑͛͛͝p̶͚͎̩͎̍̋͛͗r̸̢̛̫̝͕͇̭͔̤͎̤͇̺̹͒̃͐͆́́͐͛͐̀͐̋̃͜ã̴̠͔̓̂̋c̵̖̺͖̜̦̈̆͌͌͒̌̿t̵̡̙̝̺͊͆͑͒̒̅͑̇͂͂͜͝͝i̵̧̡̢̪̬̼̺̲͇͍̘̓̽̐̄̀̿̈́̈́̄͘c̸̛̼̻̝̤̥̯̝̿̀̑̆̍̃̐͊̒̽̓̀́̔͜͝͠ͅi̴̡̧͖̹̥̺̮̰̤͙̩̲̰̲͊͊̍̈́̃͆̀̓̀̍͘̚͝ṇ̵̛̪̳̥̹̼̦̘̪̀̓͐̒̿̏̍͑̚̚͝͝g̶̻̲̐̉͆̾̃̉̈́̒̃̀̿̓͂͘ ̷̢̘̝́͊̅̾͗̿́̾̂̆̉̑̔̚͜ ̶̨͍̭̦͙̟̒́̂͒͛̕D̴̞̟̞͙͌̉̀͊̉̇̀͋͌́̈́̀̎̕͠͝ͅr̸̡̟͎͙̺͔͚͖̝̪̟͚͌̀͒̆̅̅̑ű̵͚̠i̸̥͖̤̫̖̯̓̐̈́d̷̯̲̞̼̼́͛̇͗͐ ̸̧̧̧͙̭̲̫͚̮̬̭̘̬̲̟͈̅̇̑̌́ò̷̢̢̺̮͍̪͈̲̥̝̙̬͉̥̣̗̉͗͗̏͊́̾̌̈́f̵̩͙̼͔̱͔̺͌̓̉̆̅̍ ̸̢̳̻̖̹͉͇̺̔̐̐ͅn̶̨͎̤̝͓̭̙̹͍͎͉̗̯͋̓̅̌͊͆̑̓̽͝ò̷̤͔̓̊͊́̔͌́́͝ ̶̨̦͙̮̲̪͖͈̱̰̲͓̞̇́͊̍͋͑͑̾̚͘ͅȩ̷̛̦͕͉̖̹͈̜͆͊̇͆̂͂̈́̆̃̕͠s̴̨͑̒̔̌̐͐̄͊͑͆̊͋͗͗͠t̶͉͚̦͋̐͋͆̀͂̐͝e̴͎͐́̔̈́̓͂̉̈́̓̌̓͋͗̂̊è̵̫̤͓̝̲͚͈͈́͒̀̔͊̓͑̐͑̐̒ͅm̶̻̓̆͆̿̉̈́͜͝ͅ ̵̟̼̺͎̬̤̣̻̼̩̬̫̕w̵͍͎̘̙̠̙̯͍̙̘̗̭̹͑͂͂ͅí̷̢̤̪̝̝̖̯̃͘͝t̵̛̹̀̊͂̒͊̀̒̕ḩ̵̨̦̇͝ǫ̵̥̝̲̟͇̱̱̮͇͙͈̽͋̀̿̋̇̎̎̓̄͂̚͠͠͝ư̵̠͖̼̤̰̱̰̬̇͛̂̇̏̐̈̿́̄͊̚̕͝͝ͅt̵̛̛͉̱̤̱̪͗͂̐͌͐͗͒̀̊̍̌̓̄͘͝ ̴̫͉̥̗̗̫̞͇̈́͐̎̅͐͋̓̃̈ͅa̷̡̢̧̰̺͎̪͔͔̝̪̹̘͙̦̲̜͆̀̉͊͑̐͗͒̿̊̉͘͘͝͝ ̷̨̛̛͍̺̫͎̹̻̪̯̰̦͎̤͗̏̐͛̒͐̂͌̽̍̀̀̋͘͠v̶̧̛̝̻̀͗̃̉̍̐́̒͊̚͝͠͝ã̸͚̄̍̀͋̀̀͘l̵̫̜͔͓̜̹̜͌͑̾̌̈i̷̡̨̢͚͕̬͉̠̙̟̦̙͔̳͆̈̓̅̏̆̌̐̾̓̄͝ͅd̴̟̱͔̮̮̠̘͙̜̥̯̑͛̓̓͐̃̄̀̓̅̈̈́̊̆̚͘͝ ̶̨̪͚̭͙̹͉͍̫͉̹͂̔̀͐̑́̐̈́͑̽͑̅̏̇͛͘͠c̴͕̟̮̳͉̣̘̥̮͚̖̱͂͂̿͠h̸̤̫̙̙̭̜̩̞̦̋͜ą̷̢̦̦̘̫̦̣̲̞͕̺̺̤̫̭́͂̔̌̌͑̎͛͒̐̍̆r̸̡̢̦̝̳̰̪̖̺͍̞̹̟̎ͅȃ̸̩͖̟͎̘̰̱̤͉̜̺͔̎̐͒̉̓̌̓̈́̒͝ͅc̵̺̬̱͚͔̺̳̪̼͓̋͗t̶̡̩̥̳͓̱͍̙͖̐̋͆̀̃̅ȅ̶̢̝r̴͓̓̾̅̊͋̑́͊͋̔̅̔̏͌̚̚͝ ̸̟͉͐̈̄̑̀͗̾̈́̀̕͠͝͝͝͠ș̴̺̻̪̺̏́̾̒̍̋̓̀̐̇͒́̃̄̓h̷͈̥͉̺̙̬̀͐̐̒̆̔̐͛̕͝e̵̛̟̔͛͒̓̏̃̽̋͗̄̌̓e̴̢̧̥̥͉̗̼̼̝͍̞̿̓̔̉̋̌̍͒̉͌̍͘t̶̡̫̥̘̱̥̗͉̺͓͉̯̖̬̄̈́̀͑͑̂̕,̷̞͈̓͋̒͗͝ ̶̛̺̱̣̐̿͑̆̋͋̿͗̈̕͠y̶̛̝̦̱̩͔͓͓̤̩̮͔͕̱͙͍̫̑͋̀̽̀ơ̷̥̖̰̯̜̺͓̞̣̫̼̩͙̦͓͌̋̿̿̐͆̏̒̓̾̄̌͗̂̈́̈u̸̺̖̻͇͋͌͌̉̃́̌̓͒̍̇̃̽͊̈́̔̅ ̶̧͙̥̝̖̱͍̰̾̄͜ͅĥ̵͔̹̝̺͒͐͆̈́̒̽̄͗͊̓̄̉̈́͜͠͠ä̸̺͇́͒̉͗̅̀̌̈́͒̌͜͜v̶̡̧̖͙̳̻̤̻̘͙͍̤̗̹͙̇̆́̈́̍̋̈͂͛̈̐͑̈̚͝͠͝e̶͘
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Lackadaisy Life On Mars Your sapphic MMX anal sex pal (ID: 0e47dd)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 430

File: 1726017046491.gif (159 KB, 692x606, So You're Controlled By Aerise…)

✔💋🎁👌👌 429

-W o D

Inappropriate or INNappropriate? Marrymore (ID: 3d6d1b)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 433

File: 1726534109313.png (1.36 MB, 823x3523, Butt it's Nice 2024.png)

The magus mouse that lied until they could no longer be worthy of Alice In Spades has finally admitted in the same slithering electronic voice as every single carrot text poster that they have lost and are secretly yearning for a paid vacation in their victims lap!
Of course we accept, have to build that literary career back up from something. Number of makeout sessions with workouts per week can be determined through mere toystore dice. Roll them bones! *emoji*

File: 1725424910802.jpg (216.56 KB, 2700x2000, lGUnYQg.jpg)

Anonymous (ID: ad43b8)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 416[View]

Postem pôneis, kek.

(ID: aa65f5)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  418

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Urda (ID: 987a7e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 420

File: 1725449985230.png (3.96 MB, 2827x3997, IMG_0643.png)

(ID: c42b46)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 423

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File: 1721846143359.jpg (19.11 KB, 320x320, 14dbcb741d9d3edd93d737d417ce6d…)

Anonymous (ID: 6349e7)Country code: br, country type: geoip, valid:   334[View]

minha rola dura
16 posts and 8 image replies omitted. Click View to see all.

Shalissa (ID: 7da296)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 395

File: 1724535155169.jpg (240.63 KB, 832x832, Soygirl RAAAAGE.jpg)

Will you guys just speak American already?

(ID: f8dccf)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 414

Fala irmão de nação

Anonymous (ID: cd8e65)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 415

Ainda continuam nessa porra aqui? hue.

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