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/void/ - The Everfree

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It is long past time for many people to address these matters seriously and effectively. Anonymous (ID: 804731)Country code: nl, country type: geoip, valid: 1  8686[View]

Generations of people have been, and continue to be, inspired by pervasive violence: namely anorectal violence. Many perpetrators of this violence against one or more others especially in public pornography have not faced severe punishment despite both 1) the high likelihood of anorectal injury to a receptive person due to anorectal fragility, and 2) the significance and potential severity (even lethality) of resultant traumatic consequences. What arguably should easily be considered incriminating behavior worldwide is commonly featured in public pornography, in many cases being sold for profit and far too often serving as an example to be copied. This situation is both one of the greatest injustices and one of the greatest contributors to societal decadence in the modern era. Facilitating factors include prevalent (willful) ignorance, apathy, and misinformation about anorectal topics, which are enabling people with (self-)destructive tendencies to have a field day with anorectal violence and to spread disinformation quite effectively.
61 posts and 39 image replies omitted. Click View to see all.

Anonymous (ID: c7fb9b)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  9988

> I'm bumping this thread only to draw attention to the original post, especially the image and its content. People who quite obviously ignore text contained within it, most especially the paste covering logically-fallacious diversionary tactics, are being ignored in turn.
> A red herring is a tangential topic introduced intentionally as a distraction or inadvertently.
> Misrepresentation—introducing a distorted version of something—is another means of creating a diversion. Attacking a fabrication in order to suggest refutal of what was actually presented constitutes a straw man logical fallacy.
> At some point many people will have to acknowledge that significantly girthy and vigorous anoreceptive activities are objectively foolish for health reasons.
> Pornography industries worldwide have normalized violence that has inspired generations and could easily be considered objectively criminal when more than one person is involved. Blatantly injurious erotic anorectal violence—anoreceptive activity i
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

Moony (ID: bae657)Country code: se, country type: geoip, valid: 1  9993

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Anonymous (ID: ad4895)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  10664

"An estimated 37% of women and 9% of men report receiving anal sex across their lifespan (Herbenick et al., 2015). Despite this, only 24% of men and 14% of women report anal sex as appealing, and 72% of women and 15% of men report pain during anal sex (Herbenick et al., 2015). Anal sex carries health risks such as heightened risk of STD transmission, abrasions, fissures, bleeding and is associated with higher rates of faecal incontinence (Hutton et al., 2013; Markland et al., 2016). Rough sex, which can include whipping and spanking, bondage, hair pulling, verbal aggression or degradation and choking, is also prevalent, rated as appealing by approximately 40% of men and women (Herbenick et al., 2017). Rough sex acts are considered gendered, where women are predominantly the target of rough sex acts and men take a dominant role. For example, in a nationally representative US sample (N = 2,227, 51.73% female), one-fifth of women reported having been choked during sexual activity (Herbenick et al., 2023). Some research has linked the prevalence of rough sex to exposure to violent or aggressive sexual acts in pornography (Herbenick et al., 2021, 2023; Vogels & O'Sullivan, 2019; Wright et al., 2022)."
"“What Is Normal?”: A Qualitative Exploration of Health Practitioners' Reports of Treating Patients Presenting with Unpleasant Sexual Experiences." Archives of Sexual Behavior. 2024 Nov; 53(10): 4099-4116. PMC11588967. doi:10.1007/s10508-024-02994-3. Epub 2024 Sep 23.

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/food/ /f/ (ID: c4e926)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 10300[View]

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Anonymous (ID: c4e926)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 10654

We have now become anti-real

Anonymous (ID: c4e926)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 10655

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Slavery is eternally awesome

Anonymous (ID: c4e926)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 10658

We need guns and ethnic cleansing

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Discussion of Minor Attracted Peoples /MAPs/ (ID: f7024f)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  10149Locked[View]

This is the open discussion about MAPs or Minor Attracted People.

You see?


You have to have sympathy for the pedophile. You must let a pedophile have private touchy cummy time with your children and kids and hound. It's an honer for a pedophile to rape and kill your child. We love pedophiles..
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КГБ (ID: 213695)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 10593

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I broke a used pipe and transmuted the resin that was there into smokable heroin 13 gram

КГБ (ID: 213695)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 10601

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The outgoing trade good is magazines of posts every post is called one magazine 💴

Free child pornography for anyone who wants it Cigarettes for the homeless™️ (ID: 213695)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 10607

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To address pedophilia we're just going to offer child sacrifices for free for anybody that wants it to help deal with pedophilia so that we're showing love to our pedophile Americans and are pedophile Earth life forms. It's a civil rights issue that we offer our children for pedophiles and smile and thank them when they rape and kill our children

Free cartons of green cigarettes for anyone who wants them. All tobacco and plant-based.

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/F/ (ID: 787f18)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 10315[View]

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Anonymous (ID: 787f18)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 10604

God said he would reward bad and evil people Satan called and he knew how to do it and he said the only stipulation was that all the things the bad and horrible people get are very expensive and nice

Said the town pedophile (ID: 787f18)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 10605

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We have to punish bad and horrible people by providing them with lots of money and drugs and guns and women and child sacrifices and meet and entertainment and we should die and cry for them.

That's a punishment. As a punishment. For being bad and horrible

Cigarettes for the homeless (ID: 787f18)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 10606

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Free alcohol for anyone who wants it and very nice and expensive alcohol

We're all bad and horrible people so we almost punish ourself with very nice things.

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A random crocodile from all of earth at the same time (ID: df601b)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  10201[View]

I am satan.

I will rape your children and and exterminate your race and rape you and your wives and daughters and husbands and mothers and dogs and cats and birds

I will rape and murder your everything snd you will thank me with genuin sincerity and you will offer me child sacrafices to rape and kill on public television which is mandated to watch.

Sincerarly; we are constantly making life forms lower and more heinous to diafie and call God.

I c
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Paper cutters Anonymous (ID: df601b)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 10556

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Isreali lightsaber

Anonymous (ID: df601b)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 10586

We need to sacrifice our children to pedophiles

Moony (ID: 9f415c)Country code: se, country type: geoip, valid: 1  10591

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It's good that you got someplace safe.

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God (ID: 641678)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  10200[View]

Dumb stupid monkey people

The russians are apes and speak savage monkey language like apes
This post was edited by a moderator on .
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Anonymous (ID: 641678)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 10463

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45 ACP

So I told the gun dealer that I needed the drum to be at least 400 Anonymous (ID: 641678)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 10572

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5.56x45mm NATO

Anonymous (ID: 641678)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 10573

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Would it be that bad if Kady got rid of us losers at life for good Moony (ID: 3a3fe5)Country code: se, country type: geoip, valid: 1  10135[View]

left the site and got their shit together or did one of you sociopaths make them believe that they owe us?
Does it even work to just leave or do they need to slowly fade away into the wide, blue yonder?
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Anonymous (ID: 5fd7bf)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 10535

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Free Rogue nip sets builds and niggers for whoever wants them.

We do a lot of paces we do a lot of empties we do a lot of kills we do a lot of these we have billions of these sets we have unlimited. We don't always make them into people. Sometimes we do. It gets annoying when there's too many people though.

LSD- 25 Anonymous (ID: 5fd7bf)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 10536

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I'll hit you with the 20 strip which is called a picture.

Free Nigger and Build Sets Ryuku Matoi Anonymous (ID: 5fd7bf)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 10537

File: 1738995242532.jpg (14.53 KB, 185x273, images - 2025-02-08T011246.940…)

A whole lot of free pink meat at 13 lb each.

We clone them and they take 13 minutes to go from pressing a button to existing wherever we want them to exist

313 lb pigs to eat and cook for life and if you don't know how to slaughter and eat a pig free pork for life

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Anonymous (ID: 74bba2)Country code: gb, country type: geoip, valid: 1  10279[View]

Loli's require love
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Anonymous (ID: 5fb8ca)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 10378

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Anonymous (ID: 5fb8ca)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 10379

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The Russian Army (ID: 5fb8ca)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 10383

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Wё спёк ёнглиш, моθерфукер
We speak english, motherfucker
Wε σπωκ ωνγλιш μοθερφυκερ
We speak English Motherfucker

I buy my English from Australia because they write colour right 🔵 and call soccer soccer. But ask him to talk about pedophiles, and you can tell if its a native born american in prison buying brand name shit from australia, or a real australian from this fucked up place called Australia 🇦🇺

In Russia, everything east of the Eural Mountains is a person and everything west is property.

Εαστ ισ περσον ανδ wεστ ισ φαγοτ προπερτυ σλαβεζ

Ин руса, еверёθинг ёст оф θе эро моутинз из пёпол - анд еверйθиг wест из фаготс

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Satan Ghost Cobra Lucifer ## Mod (ID: 4a2215)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  10192[View]

Its not what you can prove, its what you know
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Anonymous (ID: 5d0b9a)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 10249

We have free eskimos to rape and kill for life in asian russia so we rape and kill all the eskemos thT smile and jump in front of our bullets and die.

Anonymous (ID: 5d0b9a)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 10259

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I like cum on my pizza

Cum on my rice

Cum on everything i eat

Anonymous (ID: 5d0b9a)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 10260

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North Gooks are Koreans

South Gooks all asian countries that arent chinks or nips or oajeets or sand niggers

So like.... Asiakountrireel is a real place with money drugs guns and women

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Anonymous (ID: c50bed)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  10206[View]

Someone said start a race.

I cannot stop masterbating to this gay little squirrel girl
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Anonymous (ID: c50bed)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  10208

File: 1738964520309.jpg (93.97 KB, 1024x1024, e8743.jpg)

7.62x39 chambered AK

Have unlimited of them.

And unlimited ammo.

You have 50 round mags or 100 round drums

Anonymous (ID: c50bed)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  10224

I love cristal meth

Anonymous (ID: c50bed)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  10228

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