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/void/ - The Void

That emptiness will always stay in your heart.

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File: 1719650295467.jpg (887.35 KB, 2550x2982, Ea1bxAHWsAA7lPj.jpg)

Anonymous (ID: 787f76)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid:   4951[View]

Fuck wizards
>"ooh, intelligence is my spellcasting modifier!!! I'm so smaaart!!!"
Fuck you. You aren't special. You're cringe. You got no social skills. You got no common sense. You can answer a few math questions. Big whoop. So can my fucking calculator.

Why Everyone Hates Wizards
19 posts and 16 image replies omitted. Click View to see all.

Shalissa (ID: 7db5e7)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 5051

File: 1719795426881.jpg (21.69 KB, 640x650, ib9zl12po5601.jpg)

Literal cope post

Shalissa (ID: 7db5e7)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 5052

File: 1719795426880.jpg (21.69 KB, 640x650, ib9zl12po5601.jpg)

Literal cope post

Anonymous (ID: 787f76)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 5053

File: 1719796057958.jpg (272.82 KB, 1439x1374, warrior.jpg)

1d6 hit dice lookin ah...

File: 1719233394298.jpg (288.45 KB, 1500x1500, 4ef.jpeg)

Shalissa (ID: 874067)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid:   4750[View]

What if we take voidchan... and push it somewhere else!
4 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click View to see all.

Anonymous (ID: 022a17)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 4777

File: 1719317605103.jpg (108.22 KB, 1080x1549, FB_IMG_1719266981023.jpg)

Bitches and Bombay banging and brunch.

Anonymous (ID: 1fe192)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 4985

File: 1719706789042.gif (134.21 KB, 157x220, 20240000 (1).gif)

Where are you going today?

Shalissa (ID: 5e4124)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 5019

File: 1719756405551.webp (26.54 KB, 1400x788, power-1.webp)

To seek enemies

Anonymous (ID: 970b45)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 4228

File: 1717931645450.webp (244.72 KB, 512x768, wgwen.webp)

Anonymous (ID: 970b45)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 4259

Anonymous (ID: 3ab040)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 5018

File: 1719753514510.jpg (115.54 KB, 850x1488, XF.jpg)

Let's go down under

File: 1719719082678.gif (1013.6 KB, 1148x1200, 3172738_lillyalbarn_caipirinha…)

Shalissa (ID: d4c7d2)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid:   4998[View]

Wanna see you and this love grow baby
But I can't know because I have one post baby
This post was edited by its author on .

Anonymous (ID: 8225ff)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 5000

File: 1719719972119.jpg (37.28 KB, 620x387, 1692114281000-1692151795985.jp…)

Shalissa (ID: a60eea)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 5010

File: 1719725772287.jpg (27.8 KB, 384x412, blushing_nagatoro_by_galaxyguy…)

.. I can't stop thinking about you lately

Bobby Womack - If You Think You're Lonely Now

You've been making this cruel heart learn about love again. I feel so lonely without you <3
This post was edited by its author on .

File: 1719706649424.jpg (1.2 MB, 4881x3574, 20240704.jpg)

Cuisine of the Gods Anonymous (ID: e77bd7)Country code: au, country type: geoip, valid:   4984[View]

It's over >>5000 taste power levels
Can't play with this

Anonymous (ID: 4843db)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 5005

*picks up poster shel and tries to eat it*

Are you sure? This just taste like pain.

Anonymous (ID: 8973a8)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 5008

File: 1719721657407.jpg (73.47 KB, 510x750, 20240630.jpg)

You so silly.

Anonymous (ID: 8973a8)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 5009

Rest well >>5000

File: 1718889456998.png (550.45 KB, 609x694, 5fd.png)

H8 H8 H8 Anonymous (ID: 2b7aa6)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 4585[View]

Hate speech thread

Talk about things you hate.

I love to hate and hate to love.
15 posts and 14 image replies omitted. Click View to see all.

Anonymous (ID: 2b7aa6)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 4671

File: 1719025254422.jpg (26.74 KB, 1024x576, ldW7mUosMcoawZzThC0v3HeHjT0NvD…)

Wear a piece of pony merch so you can go down as the Jihadist Brony. For the LoLs and the Love and Tolerance.

Also, the whole reason you want to do that is probably directly related to the no wife thing.
This post was edited by its author on .

Anonymous (ID: 70998f)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 4991

File: 1719716421831.jpg (73.47 KB, 510x750, 20240630.jpg)

Hate rain on a SUN-day

Anonymous (ID: 2b7aa6)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 5003

File: 1719721006802.jpg (55.8 KB, 850x1133, FB_IMG_1719720955143.jpg)

Sunday? Why not daughterday?

Or is that what Saturday is?

File: 1718562732531.jpg (35.94 KB, 647x592, FB_IMG_1718562654925.jpg)

Anonymous (ID: 42d882)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 4452[View]

Hide away, hide away, hide away from me~

*Steals yo bitches*

Happy Father's Day!!!!
This post was edited by its author on .
11 posts and 10 image replies omitted. Click View to see all.

Shalissa (ID: 000479)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 4496

File: 1718633582939.jpg (16.53 KB, 420x238, Juri_(Super_Street_Fighter_IV)…)

Bring it on, little man

Anonymous (ID: a9318a)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 4505

File: 17186617471000.png (728.88 KB, 757x1149, Screenshot_20240616-202208.png)

Lemme just dump this terabyte of scalie porn on your reality real quick.

Anonymous (ID: 7f50d6)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 4986

File: 1719706927594.gif (141.17 KB, 157x220, 20240000 (2).gif)

Womb womb!
Flaming uppercut!

File: 1719569994111.gif (298.52 KB, 220x220, 20240000 (1).gif)

Was Russia ever any good? Anonymous (ID: a6be0c)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 4887[View]

Cuba is the only American ally it has.

Anonymous (ID: fe4307)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 4901

File: 1719584544973.jpg (53.53 KB, 1000x563, The-Devil-Is-a-Part-Timer.jpg)

As we transition into America month from rainbow month, I'd like to announce that America is intended to be a country of the world, and the world is much bigger than America.

(ID: f11b9b)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 4947

File: 1719639226644.jpg (199.78 KB, 1280x813, Battle_of_Borodino_on_26_Augus…)

Anonymous (ID: 0689d3)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 4956

File: 1719560622590.jpg (19.65 KB, 250x249, 1000009947.jpg)

Images You Like for Unexplainable Reasons Anonymous (ID: abde3f)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid:   4876[View]

2 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click View to see all.

Shalissa (ID: d22386)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 4904

File: 1719586580371.gif (183.11 KB, 450x400, 0a8.gif)

Moony (ID: 2db91b)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 4908

File: 1719587734672.jpg (263.86 KB, 1200x678, 1719088993062820.jpg)

Anonymous (ID: 9de372)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 4952

File: 1719650881432.png (471.48 KB, 737x734, 1618679595644.png)

Honestly, most these I find I could explain. I just don't get much cause to post.

Turtle's really the only odd man out. I just... I love it when he says that for some reason. It's an image that makes me smile in a stupid, dopey way.

File: 1719410305239.jpg (601.31 KB, 1842x4096, guts-looking-the-stars-v0-4xbd…)

Shalissa (ID: c33a18)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid:   4786[View]

It takes a 6' tall man to admit he's 5'11
22 posts and 19 image replies omitted. Click View to see all.

Shalissa (ID: db1136)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 4909

File: 1719588154427.gif (51.97 KB, 152x160, d33.gif)

Wanna see how this love grows baby
But I don't know cause I got one post baby

Anonymous (ID: daf176)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 4913

File: 1719595440206.jpg (42.71 KB, 640x360, c70a8acc4a52ef7963039d74b15f70…)

Coming right up

Shalissa (ID: 533b25)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  4936

Delicious! Extra ass oil I see... compliments to the chef!

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