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/void/ - The Void


4 replies
Tired soldiers of the Krieghaden. Love and tollerance, soldiers and comrades.
Λοβ ανδ τολερενσ, σολδιερσ ανδ κονραδσ
Лов анд толеранс, сопдерз анд комрадз.

If i ever turn on you and you are my friend, i probably just need a healing hug. Turning on my family makes sense, but turning on my friends is usualy a sign of a blind rage going on.

Sorry, Comrades. Love out to ya'll
🥷✌️🏴Anarchy is freedom
10 replies
Man on a mission What is your goal on this site?
To take it to the man and shove it?
To moderate injustices?
To make fwiends?
Soul searching?
No place else to go!?
To keep your esolang encryption in good training so you can finally beat Goku at the midsummer solstice?
12 replies
Food thread What's for breakfast?

Russian burgers?
185 replies
Mid or Cyka
5 replies
Family is a bullshit lie.

America was created by people that have no fucking clue what its like to be a real human. Its a cage and a slave state. And almost everyone that overdoes it on the flesh and blood of human man finds out theres just suffering when you become "more like human"

Friendship is magic and when its magick the niggers rise up and eat the slave masters
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Good Morning, Palastine Goooooooood morning, Palastine!!!

Remwmber, dont neglect your child soldiers, feed them lots of black tar heroine and war supplies. AK-47s for all, and remember, 7.62x39mm is the magick number.

Abortions are a nice source of protine and the woman in your lifs is craving the gift of AIDS!!

Niggers beat nucular wepons in terms of war, so remember to spam your local white comunity with black niggers. Niggers, get em now, get em cheap. Get them for free and spam everywhere with the black comunity.

Keep your AK-47 by your side, fellow Krieghaden, jihadist of the blitkrieg. Good soldiers kill maricón Americans. And plant lots of IEDs to give a late "Merry Kristolnocht" to all the Americans near you.

Remember, black powder or any explosive substance and broken glass and nails in a soda can will work. You can make an old school fuze by wrapping black powder in rolling papper like a joint. Throw your shrapnel bomb at cops and American soldiers.

Hail Satan, and remember to rape without remorse.

This has been, Good Morning Palastine, with your host: Sir Fucksalot.
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5 replies

Death to America

Siege Heil

Hail Hitler

Allah HuAkbar

Hail Satan
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9 replies
Rebels 🏁 Communist nazi confederate soldiers in the future world War 3 hyperwar.
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8 replies
A teen is ok
42 replies
Decision 2024 #Politics
All races. All issues.
No candidate is too idiotic.
No position is too insignificant.
Place your bets!

Who/what are you hoping gets the vote?
What issues are you most passionate about?

Personally I really hope Florida Amendment 5 passes. the great moral question of our time.
3 replies
I miss you, Boat and Nonny. I tried sending letters to but couldn't find the mailing address.
14 replies
pajeet memes post your pajeet memes in this thread
8 replies
GladDos isn't doing real science (The cake is a lie!) She is doing behavioral science. A science that isn't fully there when it comes to the natural sciences.
Now, within the behavioral science we have a case called loss aversion. This explains how a loss is felt twice as much as a gain. If GladDos were to give us the cake we wouldn't feel it as much as if we don't get the cake. We indeed know that the cake is not a lie as seen in the epilogue.

What are we doing? We are playing Portal. We are playing a video game. What is important for a video game? To convey a lasting emotion? How do we convey that? We we juice it up twice as much with the loss aversion. The princess is not in another castle. She is in no castle at all.
Don't you see? It's brilliant. Why is it brilliant? Because it worked. The lying cake spread like wildfire and became a meme that increased sales. Sales? Another part of behavioral science. Economics. Don't you see?
Where does that put GladDos. Can we truly trust her? Can we trust behaviorism? We don't really know where to put her. We are in the doubt of the unknown that instills dread. We don't hate her. We don't know her. We just fear her.
What other meme comes to mind in the loss aversion? Well the comic Loss (Ctrl+Alt+Del).
Same deal there.
What keeps us on this God forsaken website? It's the sense of loss.
Now could the loss aversion be a fluke? Does one successful loss aversion experiment garner 100 failed ones? Well yes. Of course it does. The loss aversion wills itself into existence by being a byproduct of itself. We feel the loss aversion more than we think it. So who is GladDos? Well she's a cold, calculating computer incapable of feeling loss. She is in control of the loss aversion. She is in control of us and we have no idea. Because to us it was all just a dumb meme.
6 replies
I present to you the dance of my people
1 reply
Love yourself. Do your dailys. Health, Wealth & Relationships in a SMART way.
4 replies
men are in love women are in business
0 replies
Special delivery From UPS
DHL and Fedex can not compare.
3 replies
17 replies
Street Food Would you ever?
12 replies
SEA When you first go to south-east Asia....
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I just wanna grill
0 replies
Just got out of jail.

white power.

Death to America
0 replies
I like my women like how I like my coffee Black and full of milk
13 replies
We only like once… So, I just wanna say I appreciate you guys. That is all.
44 replies
A moment of silence my brothers and sisters.

Family Guy Analog Horror
34 replies
Void's Kitchen Nightmare All of you! Come here! Grab a VPN.
*Bang! Bang!*

Look at this thread. What is that? What does it need?

There's no webms, there's no PNG's, and it's just bland!
17 replies
Went to the Changeling Bar Kady was there, good times were had by all.

The Beer was pure Arcadian goodness
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11 replies
Mr Pipes...

Im too young to see that. Put it away...
83 replies
Correct opinions Glasses are not hot.

Except for the occasional exception, glasses make most people about 20% less attractive than they actually are.
137 replies
Voidchan had a good run >pours one out for the homies
50 replies
It is long past time for many people to address these matters seriously and effectively. Generations of people have been, and continue to be, inspired by pervasive violence: namely anorectal violence. Many perpetrators of this violence against one or more others especially in public pornography have not faced severe punishment despite both 1) the high likelihood of anorectal injury to a receptive person due to anorectal fragility, and 2) the significance and potential severity (even lethality) of resultant traumatic consequences. What arguably should easily be considered incriminating behavior worldwide is commonly featured in public pornography, in many cases being sold for profit and far too often serving as an example to be copied. This situation is both one of the greatest injustices and one of the greatest contributors to societal decadence in the modern era. Facilitating factors include prevalent (willful) ignorance, apathy, and misinformation about anorectal topics, which are enabling people with (self-)destructive tendencies to have a field day with anorectal violence and to spread disinformation quite effectively.
32 replies
Something that weirded me out about the guy was how happy and calm he was. For stalkers it's always the same. They watch a guy and then they get angry when nothing happens. There is always aggression. There is always an attempt at gaslighting to make something happen. Not with this guy though. He simply told me that he's been watching me work and that I did a good job. Maybe I'm selling him short. Maybe he thought I was paranoid so simply mentioning that I'm being watched would, in his mind, freak me the fuck out. He did bring some backup so he wasn't completely in his element. Maybe he heard someone say something and wanted to check if it was true and he was relieved when, according to his logic in his test, it wasn't. I know that it works the other way around than we think when it comes to paranoia. That it's the stalkers who are truly paranoid ones and their victims who are just occasionally spooked by them. Maybe I'm over thinking the encounter. Maybe he was just affected by some drug an actually enjoyed watching me work. Maybe he was a police officer. I was flattered never the less.
4 replies
Australian Mafia We are the Australian Mafia
53 replies
Void won
13 replies
『葬送のフリーレン』 2nd season announcement
4 replies
What if like it's all but a dream?
11 replies

That is all
8 replies
>ayo whats good motherfucker today we is gonna be harassing random ass niggas in public and stealing they food BUT ISSA PRANK BRO
3 replies
Christmas thread Tell us what you've done, what you're going to do. How you're doing.

And don't forget to post Christmas mlp art.
13 replies
I herby declare myself king of /void/
25 replies
Oui poipes… uhhh I mean pipes. How ya been?
11 replies
May there be 666 glock handguns. And 1,998 clips for them. Each glock has three clips, two of 18 round and one of 40 rounds. May there be 666 glock switches.

The glocks will be chambered in 13mm. Unlimited ammo for all that regenerates in a bag

For the 666 glockmen of the new Hevan Hell
22 replies
What is your average daily consumption of Finnish memes?
3 replies
1 reply
>b-b-but he killed a father!!!
Don't care still supporting luigi
>b-b-but he's a brownoid!!!
Don't care still supporting luigi
>b-b-but he' a commie!!!
Don't care still supporting luigi
>b-b-but he's a republican!!!
Don't care still supporting luigi
3 replies
I tried spicy, fried noodles for the first time. I understand why Nikocado almost killed himself with these. So fucking good.
0 replies
I was thinking about my nigga Copernicus. RIP. You died way too young
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Living in a material world... I've never really been a materialistic person, but lately I've come to enjoy some of the things I own. Not to mention people moved out of my house so I have a ton of space to enjoy them in peace. So uh, the nigga was trying to flex.

>A massive ass TV in my room

>A comfortable bed
>Decent Wifi
>A monsterous computer for gaming
>A giant realistic flesh lite masturbator with a big ass. Seriously, I should have caved in and got one a long time ago. Better than banging strangers on tinder and feeling like shit after.
>Warhammer books
>New clothes. Wool socks feel nice.
Vince McMahon Here comes the money meme HD
6 replies
Goooooooof morning PALASTINE;
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4 replies
The Holocaust was an inside job.
26 replies
Nobody forced you to get the vaccine, chuds. Stop rewriting history.
27 replies
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🇮🇱 This is legal


We also like to note that we are open to trade deals and money making opportunities. We have rose quartz for sale, obsidian for sale, dead squirrels for sale, dead birds for sale, and articles of clothing for sale. We talk many currencies.
6 replies
>tfw no Seikret wife.
5 replies
"Bald headed nigga"
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This is Pipes since he likes talking about my dick lol
0 replies
Remember To feed the Homeless Changelings takes a heart of Gold....and a couple dollars in your wallet.

1 reply
Check /chat/
12 replies
Numquam ani societas veritati et iustitiae cedet!
4 replies
Most Japanese voice actors do not know how to voice act. Just saying. Especially the females.

Compare them to some of the western greats
3 replies
Put those grippers away!
(No image)
6 replies
It's tha first We havin a celebration
10 replies
Kobold posting is now a bannable offense
6 replies
0 replies
Gawd rewards bad and evil people.

Фуск wиθ мй фире
3 replies
Terra the trained terrorist has all the guns.

A good terra should have guns. The Super Straight sexuality, too.
4 replies
My Wifey Is out of goddamn control again…..how dare “She”.

5 replies
Enclave here. Why isn't your video feed working?
4 replies
My cunny wife won’t let me play vidya in peace. Look at how she keeps looking at me.
10 replies
Happy thanksgiving, void.
8 replies
/lit/ what are you reading?
1 reply
Put those GRIPPERS away!
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16 replies
Into the abyss abyss… wait no… void? Man, idk
50 replies
Would you eat a human turd for 1 million dollars?

Pic notrel
28 replies
testing The body was too short or empty.
1 reply
41 replies
Nostalgia is a strange, contaminating thing I remember when I was younger and I wanted to have been able to grow up in the 70s.
2k kids these days are feeling nostalgic for the 90s.
5 replies

Woman Stabs Boyfriend in Neck Inside Car in Central Los Angeles

That used to be Kady's Wife BTW.
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9 replies
Bicycling Two wheels good.
Four wheels bad.
That is all.
5 replies
Do your dailies Wake-up sheeple and work
11 replies
Fuckers always complain about Ponychan.co

My brother in Christ, you made the thread..
70 replies
Meatless Monday Skip meat once a week
6 replies
1 reply
Truth and Justice They don't know..
12 replies
Depression is real right now. I wish I had alcohol despite not having a drink in months. I don’t care anymore. I want alcohol but all my money went towards fucking bills…
3 replies
Stern Reminder Changelings and Dragons will inherit the Earth.
8 replies
This is what you wanted, isn't it?..
2 replies
the best timeline #Politics
What would you think of Alex Jones as Donald Trump's press secretary?

I'm 100% on board.
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/k/ /k/ thread
0 replies
Take a bite.. I dare you
12 replies
Every time Trump wins an election I see a whole different side of people that I never seen before. Like, if you wanna say racist shit go for it. But why wait until now to do it?
2 replies
Tranquility. There is no need for anger. Only dreams.

Yumi Matsutoya - Haru yo koi : Kreygasm RIGHT VERSION
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5 replies
Its my birthday today. What did you get me?
11 replies
How are you all doing?
34 replies
Haha, what a jokester

What a little prankster, a little funny goofball
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Mlpusssy #Mature
Posting pussy mlp

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