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HAY: How Are You? Thread (ID: 973526)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid:   3259[Last 50 Posts]

How are you today? Everyone is welcome to come chill, chat, talk it out, have fun and stuff.

--- //deVa.dog, June 3, 2015

previous thread: >>2876

Shalissa (ID: e68a1d)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3262

File: 1715778450568.png (231.22 KB, 546x634, adam SMASHER.png)

Fuckable meat

(ID: 7ca868)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3263

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Snowbell (ID: a17268)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3266

File: 1715791874352.jpg (244.28 KB, 1117x1300, Moka.jpg)

>like a slightly more tasty caffeine pill!

Correct! Today I made a mocha espresso by adding cocoa powder to the coffee grounds and then stirring in warm cream to the cup.

and here's the pic I couldn't post in the last thread:

(ID: 7ca868)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3267

File: 1715794657100.gif (18.97 KB, 500x500, Faxanadu2.gif)

Time to make this a good thread.

(ID: 973526)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  3268

File: 1715807445825.png (160.75 KB, 974x1024, asasafaf.png)

>>3262 they're made of meat!? would you smash or pass?
>>3266 how did it taste? that looks tiny!
>>3267 I didn't try very hard. I passed out shortly after making it! hope work went well.

my former houseguest's plans have again fallen apart. and now she's talking about possibly needing to spend a month at my place.

While I was driving last night with 2 passengers... We were on a 2-lane one-way road approaching a green light. I was in the left lane. The cross street is a regular 2-lane 2-way road. I saw on my left side, a police SUV pulled up to the intersection and stopped, i.e. a car that would be crossing from my left to right if his light were green. But instead, after stopping, he started slowly turning the wrong way onto the one-way road I'm on, right in front of me of head-on and in my lane while my light is green. What the fuck!? I slow down and lay on my horn. He stopped and backs up around the corner, back to where he was before turning. And my light was still green so off I went. Jesus Christ, it's not enough to have to deal with drunk drivers going the wrong way on one-ways, have to deal with the cops too. If he weren't a cop, I'd have had some words for him as I drove by.
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Shalissa (ID: e68a1d)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3272

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Snowbell (ID: a17268)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3273

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Pretty good, I think I can improve the espresso-to-cocoa ratio though.

>that looks tiny!

Only cuz it is. is the 3 cup model which makes about 5oz.

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>>3272 who is he and why is he on a rampage?
>>3273 how difficult is it to clean the pot? is it cheaper to make an equivalent cup of coffee or cup of espresso?

I made a rice pot. one of my better mixes. should not have rubbed my eye after making it though; my eye is burning.

(ID: 7ca868)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3276

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Good morning.

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>>3276 another day; another dollar!
how are you today?

(ID: 7ca868)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3278

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Still tired, but that can't be helped. Heading to the office again today.

Everything okay with you? Make room for the house guest.

(ID: 973526)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3279

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>>3278 time for coffee!
she just showed up actually. lots of drama with the significant other and some other folks

(ID: 7ca868)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3280

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I'll have some soon!

Did Munchkin bark at her? Did they break up?

(ID: 973526)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3281

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>>3280 I'm making some now as well. made a rice pot, too. former houseguest tried some and surprisingly she enjoyed it.
Munchkin likes her. she sometimes barks wanting to be played with. or if I'm in bed she'll bark at her if she tries going to the bathroom. Munchkin's very protective of my bed.
I don't think they've broken up but things are very weird, and they might soon.

(ID: 7ca868)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3282

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What ended up being in the rice pot today?

It sounds like they get along well.

I guess plans with the VR have fallen through then.

(ID: 7ca868)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3283

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Gotta go, take care!

⛵☎ (ID: 5bb8fe)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3287

>>3282 aside from the usual, shredded canned chicken, hot paprika paste, a little bit of queso, the seeds from four ancient dried homegrown hot paprikas, and a couple of spoonfuls of cowboy candy (sweet pickled jalapenos).
I just gave her a massage, and aside from wanting to be next to us, munchkin wasn't even barking or trying to lick her face or anything. Probably munchkins third favorite person at the moment.
Oh the RV? Yeah that fell through. All kinds of weird drama now just in the past couple of days.
>>3283 sorry I was preoccupied. Have a nice day at work!

(ID: 973526)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3294

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good night

(ID: 304059)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3295

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Hello again.

(ID: 973526)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3301

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Munchkin has been walked and fed.

>>3295 How did work go?

(ID: 973526)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3305

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>asked if I want to bring a +1 to an event
>literally no one on earth I can think of

(ID: 649e7e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3312

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What about your house guest?

(ID: 973526)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3314

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>>3312 pretty sure she's not welcome; it was my programming partner who asked.
fuck I overslept
how's your day going?

(ID: 649e7e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3315

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Oh, well... I guess you'd have to show up yourself then. It's not common asking such a thing here really

Working from home, looks alright so far.

(ID: 973526)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3316

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>>3315 He wants me to drive him and his two kids to two concerts 4-5 hours away and to help chaperone the kids, including the one who shits himself. And thus I'll be joining them at the concerts.
Have you finished BG3 round 2?
guess I'll have some rice pot and start getting ready to head out for a bit.

(ID: 649e7e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3317

File: 1715924319557.jpg (62.47 KB, 1200x600, dash452.jpg)

That... sounds like work. Also, not something I'd invite a +1 to.

I think I'm really done with BG3 now. I did the ending differently this tiem around.

Rice pot sounds good, I'll be having coffee.

(ID: 973526)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3318

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>>3317 yeah on second thought probably not a great idea.
What did you do differently?
I need some coffee as well.

(ID: 649e7e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3319

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I just poured myself another tiny cup of coffee.

I didn't have my wizard blow himself up to instantly kill the final boss (and evade the boss fight), but instead did them the 'proper' way.

(ID: 973526)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3320

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>>3319 why a tiny cup? are you making espresso too?
>I didn't have my wizard blow himself up to instantly kill the final boss
wait.... what? How does that work?

(ID: 649e7e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3321

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Yeah, now and then. But with the Nespresso machine.

Well, he has a 'magical bomb' inside him, so to say, it's a more complex story of course. But when you use it, you can instant kill the final boss (and the wizard, if he agrees to it).

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>>3321 you ever try it with cocoa like Snowbell did >>3266 ?
"Wizard, are you feeling sad? feeling like there's no hope? feeling like nothing you do matters? Are you ready to leave it all behind? I've got the solution for you..."

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No, never. I'm not experimenting a lot, hehe.

It really depends how much he trusts you and stuff. So, if you say "we'll find another way" and he trusts you enough, he won't insist on it.

I mean, the goddess of magic more or less told him to blow himself up to kill the bad guy, so...

(ID: 973526)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3324

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>>3323 I watched a video about those little coffee K-cups and similar types last night. The K-cups are "recyclable" but the hurdles you have to jump through to actually recycle them makes them effectively single use. The biodegradable ones only biodegrade in extreme circumstances. Thus the aluminum ones are the only truly recyclable ones. I don't know why I watched it. I don't have or use pod coffee.
So he's just looking for an excuse then.
Time to go; good luck with work!

Shalissa (ID: e68a1d)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3325

File: 1715926721092.jpg (96.08 KB, 720x720, Sipping tea.jpg)

What if your favorite way to make coffee?

(ID: 649e7e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3326

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Thanks, have a good one yourself!

Pushing a button on the Nespresso machine.

Shalissa (ID: e68a1d)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3327

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Hey what works, works. Do you drink it black or put stuff in it?
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(ID: 649e7e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3329

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The easier the better for me.

Shalissa (ID: e68a1d)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3330

(ID: 973526)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3333

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having some brandy

>>3325 How do you make your coffee?

(ID: 973526)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3334

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normal, verbose, and brief work now
room exploration history was added

good night

(ID: 649e7e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3335

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Sleep well!

(ID: 649e7e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3337

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Good morning.

Shalissa (ID: 6a9b8f)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3338

It's nighttime!

(ID: 649e7e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3339

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No no, the sun has come out an hour ago.

(ID: 973526)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3340

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it's that midnight sun

how are you both doing tonight?

(ID: 649e7e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3341

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Doing alright, having coffee right now and RPG later today.

How are you?

(ID: 973526)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3342

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>>3341 oh yeah it's Saturday isn't it. which RPG? what's happening?
doing ok, on a short break from driving.

(ID: 649e7e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3343

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Yeah, Saturday morning for me. No work for three days now.

The heroes are out at sea, going to reach the destined island today I suppose, trying to find out what the evil wizard is planning.

How is the Ubering today?

(ID: 973526)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3344

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>>3343 there's a whole lot of ocean travel and combat. might have to create a pirate module for your system!
pretty decent; no students. demand is high. gave rides to several people from out of town who are here for post-tornado utility work.
heading back out; have a good one!

(ID: 649e7e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3345

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I think this will the last time they go to sea for a very long time. So not sure now is the right time for such a system.

Sounds like proper work! Good luck!

Shalissa (ID: 87a19a)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3346

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Just enjoying the quiet for tonight

(ID: 973526)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3348

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The surge collapsed so I'm back home for now, possibly for good.

>>3345 They'll be at the Wizard's Lair for a while then!
>>3346 sounds relaxing. some more gaming?

edit: and now the surge is back. going to give it another shot.
edit 2: well that was short lived
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(ID: 649e7e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3349

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Just at some of his servants'.

The world's shotest surge.

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>>3349 the princess is always in another castle
just long enough to get me driving, and then it's gone. just as intended.
doing some trekville instead.

Shalissa (ID: e68a1d)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3352

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A little bit of video games. Mostly music.

(ID: 973526)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3353

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>>3352 what are you listening to?

Shalissa (ID: e68a1d)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3354

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Ah, yes, I forget Boat: you too are a "Man of the streets." Do listen with headphones if possible.

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(ID: 649e7e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3355

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Hope trekville will go well and you'll get all the gold plated latinum.

(ID: 973526)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3356

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>>3354 pretty decent
>>3355 thanks; I'll be switching alliances again soon.
which of the King's Quests have you beaten?

(ID: 649e7e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3357

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All of them actually. Without a hint book, only the last one (the remake).

(ID: 973526)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3358

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>>3357 yeah my 2-week visit to my alliance my dad is in, is about over.
really? I've never beaten any of them. I even got stuck on the remake demo in the town.

Shalissa (ID: e68a1d)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3359

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Care to hear one more?

(ID: 973526)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3360

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>>3359 sure, I was just letting it roll to the next track. pretty chill.

Shalissa (ID: e68a1d)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3361

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This one reminds me of Final Fantasy for some reason.


(ID: 649e7e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3362

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I played them all in the late 90s, came in a bundle (1 - 7) and a hint book. So I managed to beat them.

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>>3361 kind of, yeah. not bad.
>>3362 that would have been very useful

Shalissa (ID: e68a1d)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3364

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Show me the worst song you know. (That you like)

(ID: 649e7e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3365

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I enjoy point and click adventures, but only rarely manage to beat one without looking stuff up.

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>>3364 I have a different idea of what makes a bad song, and I don't typically like songs that I consider bad. So I don't know. Here's one
Mc Hammer - Addams Groove (1991)

>>3365 A good point and click adventure makes the puzzles obvious. A great point and click has clues for each puzzle aside from randomly trying things. And an amazing point and click allows you to figure out the solutions in multiple ways so even if you miss the clues, you aren't stuck forever. None of those things apply to King's Quest.

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King's Quest was the foundation everyone else built on.

Shalissa (ID: e68a1d)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3368

Axel from twisted metal....

Shalissa (ID: e68a1d)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3369

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>>3367 I guess so. but at least through VI they hadn't figured it out.
>>3368 what's that?

Shalissa (ID: e68a1d)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3371

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>>3369 I don't know about that one
>>3371 hmmm, what about him though?

Shalissa (ID: e68a1d)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3373

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The man in your link was spinning in a wheel.

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>>3373 oh, yeah I guess so. different kind of wheel!

(ID: 649e7e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3375

File: 1716021841274.gif (1.99 MB, 512x471, derpy20.gif)

Yeah, it certainly didn't. Gotta go now, first people are here.

Shalissa (ID: e68a1d)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3376

File: 1716022179539.mp4 (2.77 MB, 576x1024, Just dance.mp4)

Night night for real
rich bitch juice (laura les remix) (slowed and reverb)


J u i c e H o n e y

Rich Bitch Juice.
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My programming partner messaged me at 5:30 a.m. that he was going through alcohol withdrawal. He urgently needed alcohol. Nothing was open so I drove to his place with some stuff that I had. I didn't realize he was relapsing into alcoholism. I told him he needs to watch his health, and he says he's going to get professional help.

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>>3382 hope the RPG went well. good night!

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It sure did, we had a very good time.

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>>3411 what happened in the adventure? What's going on today?
Just had a long talk with the former house guest. She and her partner will be back to spend the night at my place. The crazy on and off ex-boyfriend is back in town for the weekend. And I'm heading out driving.

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The heroes reached their destination island which had been conquered by pirates. They easily defeated a small pirate outpost and had a fun time doing it.

Sounds like your place will be cramped again.

⛵☎ (ID: e2f96e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3414

>>3413 so many pirates!
They don't take up much space really

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Now 9 pirates fewer than before!

Ah, that's good. Did you ever find something to do with those old fish tanks?
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>>3415 those poor pirates!
Just sitting there. Full of water and no fish. I can't put anything in it because I can't leave them alone for weeks or months if I leave

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They didn't even get to hit back, it was all over in a single round.

You could put some water plants in it.

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>>3417 depriving pirates of their ability to smack that booty
that's a pretty good idea.
think I'm going to walk munchkin then head to bed. have a nice day!

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Rest well!

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>>3429 you're up late!

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No work tomorrow, so I can stay up a bit longer. How are things?

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>>3432 not bad. woke up to feed and walk munchkin, and my guests were already gone. just helped my dad's alliance in trekville take over a territory. what did you do today?

Shalissa (ID: e68a1d)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3434

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I can't control myself! RAAAAAAHGGH

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Oh, they left without saying goodbye?

Are you ready to switch factions?

I played Metal Gear Solid 3 mostly, and watched Youtube.

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>>3434 oh no! not the little monster!
how's your day going?
>>3435 they always leave without saying goodbye.
after Monday I'll be switching
which one's 3? what's new on the Tubes?

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That's bad behaviour.

The one in the 60s, Snake Eater. I'm pretty far into it now.

Not much new really, I'm watching just lots of random stuff.

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>>3437 I'm assuming they just didn't want to disturb me
I've never played any of them. I just know vague details about the stories.
the classic youtube algorithm

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Well, I only really the very old ones honestly. The stories get more and more strange as it progresses.

If I watch two things of the same topic it suggests more and more.

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>>3439 why does the one girl breathe through her skin?
that's how they get you! just like infomercials.

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Magic. There's lots of magic in this series.

I used to watch lots of infomercials when they were new over here.

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>>3441 strange that there's magic in a seemingly grounded game of stealth, intrigue, and sabotage
one second you're flipping channels and watching cartoons, and the next you're hearing about how Compact Disc Interactive is the future of home entertainment. It even has Zelda!

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Nanonamchines... all the magic is nanomachines.

They really have everything!

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>>3443 a sufficiently advanced technology...
you can even play music... on your tv!

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Got any plans for the day?

Shalissa (ID: e68a1d)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3446

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I made spam and eggs today. It was pretty good. So far, it's a pretty nice day.

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>>3445 right now I'm doing some raiding in trekville. probably go back to sleep and take a nap after that. and then driving tonight. I'm way behind on cashflow.
what are you going to do for your day off tomorrow?
>>3446 I haven't had spam in a long time. how do you make it? do you use the jelly?

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Going to meet a friend in the afternoon, we'll do some gaming I guess.

Hope you'll get some nice rides.

Shalissa (ID: e68a1d)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3450

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I lightly buttered the pan to prevent sticking. Then I just seared it on both sides. Nothing fancy. The eggs were a (light) mixture of crushed sea salt, dill weed, rosemary, thyme, and red chile flakes. Oh, and a touch of water for texture and cooking.

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>>3449 fun stuff; and grab some food from the mall!
thank you, me too

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I guess I'll be heading to bed now.

Night night!

Shalissa (ID: e68a1d)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3453

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Sleep sounds good.

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>>3452 good night!
>>3453 going to take a nap? I will be soon as well

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Good morning.

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>>3470 good morning; how are you doing today?
car's cleaned, coolant has been transferred from the reservoir to the radiator, and I'm heading out in a moment

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Good luck driving!

I'm alright, having early morning coffee.

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>>3474 enjoy! that reminds me I need to get a replacement cup for coffee in my car. I keep forgetting. next time I go to the grocery store maybe.
also have fun gaming with your friend this afternoon; I'm off. have a good one!

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Thanks, good luck!

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Alan Jackson - Chattahoochee (Official HD Video)

I just had a ride to Chattahoochee! Now I have to drive back...

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I've never heard of that place... or the song.

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It feels like half of what I made tonight went to gas

>>3481 you've been missing out!

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>>3485 How did your day go?

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It went alright. Just got home from meeting a friend, we watched an episode of MacGyver and played some old games.

How are things with you?

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>>3487 old school MacGyver? What games did you play?
pretty tired at the moment. I went to the store earlier, picked up some juice and a travel cup for coffee. then I took a short nap, walked munchkin, and now I'm taking part in the Monday trekville mining event.

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Yes, the one from the 80s.

We played Zelda (Skyward Sword), more Zelda (Tears of the Kingdom), and tried to beat Golden Axe from the Mega Drive but failed twice to beat the final boss.

Are you going to win anything today?

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>>3489 you know I've never actually watched those. I just remember the SNL skits back when SNL was good.
damn, that's a lot of action adventure! Is the Mega Drive version the same as the arcade?
IF I win, but it's a 24 hour event, and it just started. Last week while I was sleeping, I kept setting 24 minute alarms to wake up and move ships around.

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I think it was pretty enjoyable for the first few seasons. It ran quite a while.

We played it on the Switch, so it was an emulaton of sorts.

What can you win?

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>>3491 Who does MacGyver work for?
Is that not like the arcade version then? pump in virtual quarters to continue?
1st place gets 10k d'vor parts, 500 d'vor feesha parts, and some other materials. The d'vor mines latinum, and the feesha mines concentrated latinum. You need parts to upgrade them to be more effective. Last week I got 2nd.

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Some fantasy US organization that seems to do the most random things, from humanitarian work, defusing bombs, transporting secret documents, and whatnot. It's a lot like the Foundation in Knight Rider.

No, it's the Mega Drive version.

I hope you get all the d'vor... never heard of that stuff; though you might have mentioned it before.

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>>3494 I've never watched Night Rider either; I was 3 when it ended!
how is it?
thanks! latinum is the stuff ferengis are nuts for

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Oh, no re-runs?

Well, I cannot compare it to the arcade version, cause I don't know it. It's tough, short, and two-player. All in all it's a lot of fun.

Oh, of course I know latinum. I thought the material you get is called d'vor. I totally misread that.

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>>3496 I'm sure there have been some, but not that I've seen.
that's all that matters! are the Zeldas also multiplayer?
oh, d'vor and d'vor feesha are ships. it's kind of a dumb thing to compete for, because you're competing in a mining event, to upgrade your miners, to compete in the mining event. and placing top 3 in the solo rankings is a way to get parts. so if you're already fast or dedicated at mining, you get better at what you're already good at. but the alliance mining rankings are taken somewhat seriously. it's one of the ways lower alliances can prove themselves and compete with the pay to win ones.

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No, I played Skyward Sword, my friend Tears of the Kingdom.

There seems to be a lot of competition with those who pay for the game.

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>>3498 I think Four Swords is multiplayer. I wasn't sure if any of the others are.
they're kind of like the boss before the final boss. with the final boss being the company that makes the game.

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Yes, it was. But you needed like three Gameboys to play it or something.

That's a strange way to play, hehe.

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>>3500 that's how they get you to buy the accessories and extra systems. just like pokemans.
wtf is this worgle? I have 5 of the 6 letters and can't make sense of them. and I thought I'd found the perfect starting word.

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Which is why I only played it in solo mode.

The worgle today wasn't easy at all. Had a very rare letter in it, which you probably miss.

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>>3503 I fought someone else's pokemans once. I won! had to buy a whole ass adapter to do it.
It was the lack of a vowel before the L that completely threw me off.

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I was pretty good at Pokémon at one point. Back in 1999 I ranked 2nd in a tournament out of 256 in Vienna.

There you go, worgle success!

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>>3505 wow, nice! what version was that? did you have to bring your own?

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It was Red/Blue/Yellow, which were released in that year here. Yeah, you had to bring your own cartridge. Your Pokémon checked to make sure no cheating was going on.

It was an 8 rounds-KO-tournament. I lost the finale to some twerp.

Actually it was in 2000, not 1999.

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>>3507 Pokemans is srs business! I ended up with Red and Blue but I only ever played Red. I wonder if a never opened, never played Blue is worth something.
Still it's pretty cool you made it that far
time for bed?

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It sure would be worth something if it's still sealed. I still play every new Pokémon release.

It's good memories. The winner got a Gameboy, I won a cap and shirt which I don't have anymore.

Yeah, bed time. Night night!

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>>3509 oh I was wrong, it's not sealed. Red was the only one I ever played. not sure I like the dual-type concept and the tag team thing they've got going on now. I do like the idea of playing Red or Blue on hard mode.
Those were pretty good prizes.
Good night!

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I'm in a good mood.

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>>3511 nice! what are you going to do today?

Shalissa (ID: e68a1d)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3515

I've been playing Titanfall 2 and what not. How about you?

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>>3515 are there still a lot of players?
I slept all day, just got up a little while ago. passively grinding a trekville event

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Good morning.

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>>3517 time for coffee, and work! gotta make that money. C.R.E.A.M. dollar dollar bill y'all.
how are you doing today?

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Yeah, time to start with work. Hope there won't be too many e-mails.

Have you won trekville yet?

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>>3519 are you working from home today?
as I was sleeping, I kept setting alarms between 10-25 minutes to wake up and move ships around. and after 12 hours of the event, I'm in FOURTH place. which gets zero ship parts. There's still 12 hours to go. I'm counting on at least some of the top 3 needing to sleep at some point.

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Yes, that's right.

I'm not sure it's exactly healthy waking yourself up all the time...

Shalissa (ID: e68a1d)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3522

Yeah, I get into games in less than like 40 seconds typically. The game kind of reminds me of Battlefront 1. Kind of. In that the NPC's start off super weak (1 hit kills mostly) while still being a damage threat. Then by the end of the game depending on the score, they become nightmarish with robots and mechs.

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>>3521 time to work on your RPG and get paid!
I had a dream that I was kicked out of the alliance pre-emptively since I'll be leaving soon anyway. and then I woke up to the alarm and found I hadn't been kicked!
>>3522 Is it a PVE game? I thought it was a two teams facing off kind of game.
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I did some RPG work already after I got up at 4:30 a.m.

You're already dreaming of trekville!

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>>3524 that's so early! what did you do on it?
I'm done dreaming now. I'm awake! going to do some cleaning and stuff while mining.

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Summer is closing in, sun's up at 4:30.

I went through the alchemy book and calculated how much the actual realistic weights for each elixir is.

Do you have to do lots of cleaning?

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>sun's up at 4:30.
waaaat? are you that far north?
>I went through the alchemy book and calculated how much the actual realistic weights for each elixir is.
Do you have an encumbrance system? I find them often hilarious. the one I made forced people to chug stamina potions. which tanked their thirst. people would load up on stone and wood, take a single step, and then be stuck forever. so funny.
>Do you have to do lots of cleaning?
not a ton, but a bit. just cleaned some dirty pots and pans, started making some spaghetti and coffee, and I need to do a load of laundry.

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Seems like it. Of course it's not light as day at 4:30, but you can already see it peeking out on the horizon.

It does have an encumbrance system, yes. We don't use all of it, but the parts where it begins to make certain tests harder (like, you try to do flips with an overloaded backpack).

And of course, a backpack has a weight limit. And glasses and vials only hold that much liquid, etc.

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>Seems like it. Of course it's not light as day at 4:30, but you can already see it peeking out on the horizon.
Does Austria use daylight saving time?
>It does have an encumbrance system, yes. We don't use all of it, but the parts where it begins to make certain tests harder (like, you try to do flips with an overloaded backpack).
>And of course, a backpack has a weight limit. And glasses and vials only hold that much liquid, etc.
no bottomless elixirs?

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Yeah, we do use it. That might also be a reason.

No bottomless elixirs and no bag of holding.

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>>3530 but we use it here, too, and it doesn't get start getting light anywhere near that early.
I just finished making the bottomless spaghetti. turned out interesting. I've added Vienna sausages, a can of "Hoppin' John", the usual stuff, and the seeds from four burn-your-nose-just-smelling-them hot paprikas. not bad.

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Well, we're further up north. I think Austria is about as high up as the border between the US and Canada.

There's always different stuff in those spaghetti! I would never dare putting wiener in them.

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>>3533 oh yeah that's a lot farther north than I thought.
have to keep things interesting. why no wieners? I bought a whole case of Vienna sausages a couple of days ago just to have some meat to put in the stuff I make.

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I don't know, it just sounds unfitting for spaghetti. I'm pretty sure Italians would agree.

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>>3535 Italians don't put sausage in spaghetti? What do they put in spaghetti?

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A bunch of different things. And there might be a sausage in some recipe, but I doubt it's something as bland as a wiener. Maybe they'd use salsiccia.
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>>3537 I don't know what that is but it sounds expensive. I'm making $3 spaghetti, not $12 spaghetti.

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I know, you can put into your spaghetti whatever you want.

I just meant to say that your combo won't be typically Italian.

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>>3539 If you want to hear something that'll make italians faint, I sometimes put the leftover spaghetti a couple of days later onto sandwiches, with white bread, spaghetti, shredded cheese, ranch dressing, and cabbage!

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Oh yes, that would certainly make them faint.

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>>3541 sorry not sorry. it's actually quite good.

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In the end that's all that counts.

I gotta take care of work now, have a nice night!

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>>3543 thank you; good luck!

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>>3549 how was work?

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It was okay, got a few things done, had a meeting too. Should be pretty smooth moving from hereon out.

Playing more Metal Gear Solid 3 now. How are you?

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>>3551 smooth for the rest of the week? How's MGS3 going?
the event just ended. I ended in second, though for a while I was in first. The person in first is clearly a pay-to-win player. I was within 13% of him though.

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Yeah, I hope so at least. Nearing the end, nothing but final boss battles now.

Now you can bathe in latinum!

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>>3553 who's the big bad in the game?
I can't say it was a good use of time.

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Well, some Russian colonel who can use electric attacks, cause of magic. But the final boss is your former teacher.

You should have slept more!

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>>3555 CIA tech of course. Does he take the high ground and say you were the chosen one?
I'll be going to sleep here shortly. I'm finishing up a few things in trekville.

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No nanomachines yet cause the game is set in the 60s. But they are taking some old, dropped technological prototypes and say "the Russians worked it out"... and here come the hover platforms chasing you.


Yes, he did have the high ground. But now he's dead.
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>>3557 ah, that's a cool thing to pull from history
in your view, he was evil!
time for bed; have a good afternoon!

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Yeah, I think taking those old prototypes was a pretty cool idea.

Sleep well now!

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not enough sleep

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Have a nice day, I’m in the office today!

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>>3568 how's it looking? don't work too hard! think I will go driving later.

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Going ok, got a few things done. Maybe some RPG work now.

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>>3573 printing out more maps?
former houseguest's partner brought in 3 computers she found dumpster diving. I'm upgrading and setting up a clean OS install for her on one of them that works. A second one has some really nice parts in it and might be good as a backup of some sort. The third is a wildcard that might have a few useful parts in it but is mostly garbage; it has a nice case though.

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Turns out I had no time at all as work was rolling in, one piece after another. It was a very busy day.

How old are those PCs?

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>>3579 maybe tomorrow will be easier?
The one I'm working on for the partner is probably 2009ish? It started out with a 160GB SATA HD and 1GB 667MHz DDR2 RAM. essentially a laptop in a mini case. The one with good parts is probably 2012ish? and the third, no clue.

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Maybe, but I do have some things to do till end of next week and none of it is done quickly.

Ah, well, that's not bad. Gives you something to do, hehe.

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>>3581 Does it involve handshakes?
Yeah I haven't set up a new system in a minute. It actually had Windows Vista on it, with an unbelievable amount of adware and spyware. I opened Internet Explorer, and no joke, half the screen was taken up by search bars. This computer went through some kind of time warp to arrive on my desk. But it's wiped now. I also tripled the RAM and added a second hard drive. Windows doesn't want to work nicely with it. I think I'm going to try Zorin (Linux) for her.

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Nah, no handshakes at all. Just have to provide a bunch of data.

So it's got 3 GB of RAM now? That's a fancy number.

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>>3583 Are you a data analyst, too?
It had 4 slots! I was surprised. So in addition to the 2 512MB sticks already in it, I added 2 1GB sticks from my RAM stash. all dual channel!

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Well, being in procurement we have to work with certain financial data, yes.

The strangest number of RAM I ever had was 24 Megs, back in 1998 or something.

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>>3585 what data do you need to present?
2 8s and 2 4s! makes perfect sense.

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Price increases or reductions of frame contracts. Properly presented and documents and proven.

Yes, that's what it had!

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>>3587 sounds exciting
my last primary system had 12GB, similar sort of thing.
what's on the agenda for the rest of the afternoon?

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That's a lot of RAM. Usually I put in the same RAM bricks four times.

Not sure yet honestly, don't have anything on the agenda.

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>>3589 My current one has 16GB. I think 32GB is fairly common nowadays, and 64GB isn't unheard of depending on what you're doing. I have 2 extra slots I could put something in, but I don't want to mix timings.
time for that genocide run?

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I'm at 16, myself. Since I only use an old office monitor with 1280 x 1024 resolution I don't really need more anyway.

Nope, Paper Mario is out tomorrow, got something new to play then.

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>>3592 RAM doesn't really matter for that. I have 3 1280X1024s running
that's the remake?

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Wouldn't games running on higher resolutions need more RAM, also?

That's the one.

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>>3594 That depends on the RAM in your video card. RAM on your motherboard is for the system as a whole. typically for the memory requirements of individual programs, or for running more programs simultaneously.
is it a digital download?
time for Munchkin's breakfast and a walk

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I see. No, I'm getting a physical copy.

Time to bark at everything!

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>>3596 that's smart. don't let Nintendo revoke your license.
she didn't notice the squirrel right in front of her! too busy sniffing the ground. warm day, lots of mosquitoes. she brushed up against some poison ivy, so I had to wash her legs off with dish detergent once we got back. and the thistles got me. all in all, not the best walk.

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Exactly, I bet they will turn off the servrs eventually and what's not on the console is gone.

Lucky squirrel. Poor Munchkin's legs!
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>>3598 I think they did that recently for one of their older online-only systems.
Poison ivy doesn't effect dogs. But she can rub it on me and cause me to break out over and over.

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Playing EverQuest... just died for the first time in 16 years.

Oh, poor you then!

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>>3602 wow, I didn't know EverQuest was still a thing! how is it?
hopefully not; that's why I washed her off

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Oh yeah, it's still getting updates and new additions. It's fun... I found a place to grind, so I'll finally level up (also after 16 years).

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>>3604 the EverCrack addiction never goes away!
that's pretty cool though. have fun! time for bed; good night

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Thanks, you sleep well now!

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former houseguest does some phenomenally stupid things from time to time.

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Like what?

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>>3610 leaving drinks in the freezer and then leaving, so they blow up. or pouring herself some milk in a glass, and then forgetting the glass in a place that isn't obvious, so it turns into a glass of yogurt. or putting disgusting dirty rags in my washer, on the rinse/spin i.e. the clean side.
how are you doing today? did you win Everquest?

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Oh my, I hope that wasn't your freezer!

I'm alright, playing EverQuest again for a bit before work.

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>>3612 yeah, my freezer unfortunately.
what class do you play?
I should get going myself. basically ready to go; just doing some trekville.

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Not too big a mess at least hopefully... for her to fix!

I play as a warrior, the worst class to solo with. Heading out for some Uber?

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>>3614 could have been worse. I took care of it.
Clarity smash!
yeah, it's about that time. Have a nice day at work!

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Thanks, have a good one yourself!

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>>3617 how did work go?

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It turned out just as busy as yesterday. At noon it slowed down a bit luckily.

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>>3619 and you thought this was going to be an easy week!
time for more everquest?

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Yeah, I'm slowly approaching the level up I was after.

Got plans yourself?

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>>3621 is this a new character? Or one that you had from a long time ago?
I was about to go to sleep. My programming partner is getting professional help for his alcoholism so that's good. And the former house guests and her partner are once again nowhere to be found, after they promised to bring me back some food from the grocery store. Can't say I'm surprised.

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No, the same I've played since I started in 2001.

Good thing about the alcohol issue. Maybe they got lost in the supermarket.

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>>3623 wow, that's incredible!
nothing they do makes sense
had to get up for trekville stuff. I'm off; back to sleep. good night!

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Good morning.

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>>3636 How's it going today?

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Just poured myself some coffee. Weekend is approaching, so I'm alright.

How are things with you? Did the house guest reappear?

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>>3639 more data analysis today? what's going on this weekend?
I just woke up a little while ago. I jumped over to the other alliance in trekville yesterday, and I'm practically calling the shots now. making and delegating positions. having dinner and about to get ready to head out, houseguest and her partner never showed up or called.

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Yeah, I have to analyze some more data.

I have no plans for the weekend at all, I'll see what comes up.

Oh, you're the big shot in trekville now!

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>>3641 make your company them big bucks
former houseguest just called. says she's been babysitting? no idea what she's doing.
I'm more like the man behind the curtain. I'm not the admiral. but I may as well be.
time for a shower!

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I guess that's what I'll do!

Was she? Well, it's a job.

Enjoy, I guess I'll have breakfast.

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>>3643 unpaid. she just volunteered to watch some 4-year-old? I guess someone else is watching the 4-year-old now. and maybe she's coming over. unsure.
what's for breakfast?

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Well, she does know a few people it seems.

The usual, bread with cheese, and coffee.

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>>3646 guess she isn't coming after all.
I thought the usual was oatmeal with milk and sugar?
Time to head out. Have a good one!

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That's what I'll have later on, at around 9 a.m.

You too, drive safely!

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might be done for the night.

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I accidently died in EQ because I forgot I was on, and lost my new level again, lol.

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>>3651 you lose experience when you die? that's pretty hard core.

there's a surge again, time to go.
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Yeah, there's an exp death-penalty. I lost 9 % of exp, so I'm 4 % below levelling-up now.

I can revive once a week though to get all that exp back. But I cannot use that ability for another four days.

So I guess I'll take a break from EQ.

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>>3653 back again.
In my game, people could come say prayers at your tomb stone to reduce your exp penalty before you revive.
What will you do instead?

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Well, EQ is ancient, and it was indeed hardcore. Exp penalities really are a thing of the past.

Well, I guess I'll play that Paper Mario game. I got it yesterday.

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>>3655 I like them. They raise the stakes
nice; hope it's as good as the original!

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They do, but also makes the game a lot more bothersome. In EQ you even had to do corprse runs. Meaning, you'd respawn naked and would have to get back to where you died.... pretty tough in an enemy infested area. Often you'd just end up dying again.

I once had to start the game over because I died in a huge forest and couldn't find my corpse anymore.

I'm sure it is!

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>>3657 My solution to that was engraved equipment. If you paid 10X to have your equipment engraved, it wouldn't drop on death. Otherwise there was a chance to drop, based on your level.
EQ sounds like Diablo!
looks like I'll be visiting my dad from about mid July until some time in August, to help around the time of his next surgery.

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That sounds like pay to win!

Oh, another trip to the parents. Without car troubles hopefully.

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>>3659 paying in game currency is perfectly valid.

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Well, if it's the in-game currency, then it's fine.

A friend had come over, we played some old games... Mega Man 6, Super Soccer, and Risen.

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>>3661 Risen sounds like a pretty involved game! How was Paper Mario?

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I played that after my friend was gone for an hour or so. It was fun, very similar to the original of course, just better graphics.

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>>3664 have you made any plans for the day yet?

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Nope, none at all. I guess I'll just play some Mario and see what else comes up.

What about you?

⛵☎ (ID: 51c8ce)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3667

>>3666 how long is paper mario?
I'm in my car waiting on rides. It's very slow tonight. Surprisingly slow for a Friday even during summer. I'm about to move somewhere else to see if I have better luck

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I really don't remember. Around 30 hours I guess.

No students or drunks about? Good luck!

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>>3668 that seems pretty long for a Mario game!
I got some decent rides right after. it got slow again so I'm taking a break for a bit.

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Well, it's an RPG, they are always a bit longer.

I was grocery shopping, bought way too much cause beer was cheap.

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>>3670 oh I didn't realize it was an RPG.
need to stock up for your next RPG session! what all did you get?
I'm making some coffee and then heading back out after.

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We've been drinking more wine lately, but yeah, we should drink more beer again, hehe.

I bought some wheat beer and some 'Märzen' which is like a Pilsner with less hops and often a bit less alcohol.

Good luck Ubering!

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>>3672 get some high quality box wine
it was a pretty decent night over all.
finishing up some trekville before bed

(ID: f453cc)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3678

I have asome good quality wine directly from a vinyard. Boxed wine here is the biggest garbage, very cheap.

I hope Trekville goes well! I played some more EverQuest after Mario.

(ID: 973526)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3679

>>3678 it's pretty garbage here too! good for chugging.
trying to get ahead on events before I go to bed.
did you revive without losing exp?

(ID: f453cc)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3680

Yeah, good for chugging indeed.

Yeah, I levelled up again and got some more exp. On Tueday I can revive my 'corpse' before it decays and I get my exp back.

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>>3680 you can have multiple corpses?

time for bed; good night
This post was edited by its author on .

(ID: f453cc)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3682

Oh yeah, endless amounts. But they all decay within a week of the death. I remember players getting themselved killed over and over on purpose because Necromancers could get an item from them that way which couldn't be received otherwise. So they died as a business deal.

Rest well!

(ID: 973526)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3683

>>3682 That's pretty clever. Does being higher level give better necro-stuff?

(ID: f453cc)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3686

No, it doesn't. But I've seen players who would want to start over with a new character sacrificing themselves to necros over and over for a bunch of in-game money.

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I think it's time for a new thread!

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>>3689 Yeah you're right. Maybe this evening? I'm pretty tired and going to bed shortly. I hope you have a nice day!

(ID: f453cc)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3694

Sounds good!

I've been playing Paper Mario and EverQuest all day long.

Almost bed time for me too, have a nice evening!

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new thread: >>3702

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