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File: 1714763532815.png (47.01 KB, 1259x551, HAY.png)

Hooooow are you doing? (ID: b1e31e)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid:   2876[Last 50 Posts]

Woo hoo! I get to make another one of these!

Ahem? Is this thing on? Okay, yeah it is.

So... uh... everyone is welcome! Even you. I know who you are. But anyway, we'd like to know how you are right now! Are you sad? Are you happy? Are you mad? Tell ol' Wally what's up!

--- wallacebrony, May 4th, 2011
the earliest recorded instance of a HAY thread

previous thread: >>722

(ID: 79f522)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2878

File: 1714766468556.jpg (85.25 KB, 640x960, dash109.jpg)

New thread, old bed. Good night!

(ID: b1e31e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2879

File: 1714766524617.png (124.96 KB, 1013x1211, 1083581__safe_solo_cute_lookin…)

>>2878 sleep well!

Snowbell (ID: d6fa14)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2880

File: 1714775843460.jpg (336.62 KB, 2048x1149, 409135355_967238575404378_7262…)

I misplaced my comb this afternoon. I used it after I showered and now I don't know what I did with it.

(ID: b1e31e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2881

File: 1714776512574.png (144.64 KB, 913x970, 140217333840.png)

>>2880 How long is your hair? Did you look in the shower?
How've you been?

(ID: b1e31e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2884

File: 1714798293993.jpg (22.48 KB, 605x489, 703396.jpg)

my apologies for being so negative lately

(ID: 79f522)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2885

File: 1714808830569.jpg (143.51 KB, 945x945, hh19.jpg)

Don't worry about it. How's your day been going?

(ID: b1e31e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2886

File: 1714813043429.png (179.06 KB, 1600x1200, 585601.png)

>>2885 I'm doing better now than I was. I wouldn't say great.
How are you today? Working from home?

(ID: b1e31e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2887

File: 1714817210057.jpg (78.58 KB, 1000x1000, 675058__safe_solo_sleeping_mau…)

going to call it a night. good night

Snowbell (ID: d6fa14)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2890

File: 1714837648249.png (561.96 KB, 1024x759, 1553643744271.png)

>How long is your hair?
Slightly longish, I haven't had a haircut since early last fall.
>Did you look in the shower?
Yes, pretty sure I carried it out of the bathroom and set it down somewhere. I just don't remember where. Pretty sure I intended to drop it into my travel bag but it didn't make it there either. There's a good chance it got swallowed-up by the couch.

>How've you been?

Pretty good. Things have been quiet and peaceful lately. Be nice if it stayed that way.

(ID: b1e31e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2891

File: 1714839513668.png (160.43 KB, 1280x960, asafffaf.png)

>>2890 I let mine grow out a bit over the winter, but then once it gets warm I keep it short enough that I no longer need a comb.
Is it a black comb that will blend in with other black things you may have set it upon?
Is there anything likely to break the peace?

(ID: 79f522)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2893

File: 1714844465986.png (131.51 KB, 350x350, dash92.png)

No work on Saturday! I had RPG today, we played extra long cause it's Sunday tomorrow.

(ID: b1e31e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2894

File: 1714855537178.jpg (25.57 KB, 230x198, 8CD983E0-7780-4CCD-839C-B5AB61…)

>>2893 I completely forgot what day it was last night. What happened in the RPG?

⛵☎ (ID: 0ba5c2)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  2897

File: 1714865017549.jpg (4.97 MB, 4080x3072, IMG_20240504_192205619.jpg)

>>2890 yo I found this on the ground. Is this yours?

⛵☎ (ID: 0ba5c2)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  2898

File: 1714866305858.jpg (2.62 MB, 4080x3072, IMG_20240504_194211626_HDR.jpg)

with my programing partner and his two kids at a 38 Special & George Thorogood concert

⛵☎ (ID: 6513c1)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2901

File: 1714872951285.mp4 (3.44 MB, 1920x1080, VID_20240504_213522078.mp4)

(ID: fb109f)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2903

File: 1714880477596.jpg (62.47 KB, 1200x600, dash452.jpg)

The heroes are out on sea again on a several weeks long journey to tropical islands. They got attacked by an algae monster.

Did you have fun?

(ID: b1e31e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2904

File: 1714883363041.png (122.84 KB, 427x343, 139525386015.png)

>>2903 Did you ever see that nature documentary about hypothetical life on other planets, where they had something like an algae monster as the planet's largest lifeforms?

It was a good time. It was a whole ordeal though. almost 6 hours of my day. and with his two kids... They're both autistic. The older one is a high-functioning autistic kid with a memory like a steel trap. But the younger one is a get-lost-in-the-woods-and-die, intentionally-shits-himself-and-takes-it-in-his-hands-and-rubs-it-into-stuff-while-having-a-tantrum kind of autist. and he shit himself at least once on this trip. My back seats smelled like shit. My partner and I cleaned it at his place, but I got home and it still stank so I cleaned it again. and now I can't drive for the night. so over all a good time but definitely had its not so great moments. I have a couple of short videos you might enjoy.

What are you doing today?

(ID: fb109f)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2905

File: 1714883534145.png (373.47 KB, 901x775, dash386.png)

No, I haven't seen that video!

Oh my, sounds like it was a rough time there. Did you enjoy the music?

No big plans, I guess more Baldur's Gate mostly. Maybe I'll meet a friend in the afternoon, I don't know yet.

(ID: b1e31e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2906

File: 1714883928970.png (400.98 KB, 1280x1024, music.png)

>>2905 I can't remember what it was called otherwise I'd find it for you. The algae monsters slowly walked across the algae sea eating the other algae as I recall.

The music was very good. 38 Special was first and got through about 6 songs before being called due to rain. a bit of an afternoon rain storm. Thorogood came on after the lightning ended, and had the rest of the show. It continued sprinkling on and off after that but not too bad. We had a couple of umbrellas but didn't really use them.

May 5, 2024
May 5, 2024

I thought you finished the game? finishing some loose ends?

(ID: fb109f)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2907

File: 1714884269044.png (408.99 KB, 844x676, dash436.png)

Pretty decent music! I've only been to concerts like twice in my life.

Yeah, there were one or two things I missed or want to try to do different this time around. I won't play the whole game, just the first act really I think.

(ID: b1e31e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2909

File: 1714884447609.jpg (15.47 KB, 236x377, ac38872882a1c26bf397e78516e060…)

>>2907 I was under the impression you went to concerts all the time.

Time for a genocide run!

(ID: fb109f)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2910

File: 1714884659307.png (293.17 KB, 993x559, dash132.png)

Really? Nah, when I became interested all the bands I liked had already retired or they wouldn't come over here anyway.

Never, always a goody-two-shoes run!

(ID: b1e31e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2911

File: 1714884874979.png (302.92 KB, 1024x630, maud_s_fancy_dress_by_thechees…)

>>2910 I thought since you go see live music so often that you went to concerts as well. George Thorogood's still going, and he started in 1973. 38 Special isn't too far off from that either.

so just a goodier two shoes run?

Since I'm stuck here, I'm going to try to do some programming tonight.

(ID: fb109f)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2912

File: 1714884985890.png (355.17 KB, 1280x720, dash65.png)

Nah, I prefer listening to them while I eat, so those live music at a place like the saloon is nice. And more comfortable, hehe.

Identically two-shoes I guess. Not sure how much gooder I could get.

Oh, what kind of programming?

(ID: b1e31e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2913

File: 1714885224205.png (379.04 KB, 1280x720, Maud_Pie_with_Gummy_biting_on_…)

>>2912 we had some lawn chairs on the grass, so it was pretty comfortable, even with the rain. perfect weather really.

so the new run is equally good but different from the old run? the transitive quality of goodyness.

I'm going to try to fix at least one of the broken things on this janky site so maybe more people will consider using it. and then I want to start setting the groundwork for that interactive fiction game I had in mind a long time ago. I'm anxious telling you this since there's a decent chance I won't accomplish anything, and setting these goals will just make me look like a fool again.

(ID: fb109f)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2914

File: 1714885524245.png (57.1 KB, 268x213, dash100.png)

I didn't do a dungeon or two the first time around, I want to check those out.

If you keep working on it it'll be done eventually!

(ID: b1e31e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2915

File: 1714885612815.png (129.68 KB, 372x298, 139527382416.png)

>>2914 you missed dungeons!? how could this be?

getting motivated to work on it is the hard part.

(ID: fb109f)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2916

File: 1714885884097.png (148.7 KB, 473x296, dash127.png)

Well, I just moved the story along and didn't return to them. They weren't essential for the game.

Motivation is a cruel mistress!

(ID: b1e31e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2917

File: 1714886058992.png (302.92 KB, 1024x630, maud_s_fancy_dress_by_thechees…)

>>2916 Can you go back now that you've beaten the game or do you have to start from the very beginning?

yeah especially when [redacted]. I'll shut up now.

(ID: fb109f)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2918

File: 1714886374998.gif (322.54 KB, 600x480, dash398.gif)

I have lots of save files but not one that goes back early enough.

(ID: b1e31e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2919

File: 1714886482769.png (183.31 KB, 457x498, 1395295184802.png)

>>2918 you know if you 'accidentally' stab a few townspeople on the way there, it's no harm, no foul

(ID: fb109f)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2920

File: 1714886594046.png (88.02 KB, 415x271, dash53.png)

But they give no exp and have no loot! Also, others will see! And my companions will not be happy.

(ID: b1e31e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2921

File: 1714886779589.png (266.54 KB, 1101x1152, Maud chickun.png)

>>2920 and then you can just delete the save and pretend it never happened

(ID: fb109f)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2922

File: 1714887205677.png (103.18 KB, 459x308, dash168.png)

That's what I did in Fallout 1 and 2 a lot.

(ID: b1e31e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2923

File: 1714887290407.png (179.06 KB, 1600x1200, 585601.png)

>>2922 think I'm going to make a pizza, grab some coffee, and try to get started.
I might ask you for your aid in testing if you don't mind.

(ID: fb109f)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2924

File: 1714887484399.jpg (89.5 KB, 777x598, dash304.jpg)

Sure, if I can be of help! Have a good one for now!

(ID: b1e31e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2925

File: 1714888808002.gif (547.74 KB, 576x324, 575943.gif)

>>2924 Thank you; I appreciate it. You as well!

Shalissa (ID: 7df1b3)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2927

File: 1714897692899.jpg (3.65 KB, 225x225, Lisa simpson laying in bed spa…)

I just came. Now I want to die.

(ID: b1e31e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2928

File: 1714897785122.png (118.67 KB, 328x259, 139525856459.png)

>>2927 in a good way or a bad way?

Shalissa (ID: 7df1b3)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2929

File: 1714901126873.gif (1.45 MB, 540x304, Bleeeegh coffee spit.gif)

Oh. Yeah. I meant as in I am tired now, but I can't fall asleep. I'm not drunk enough and I'm gaging it so that I blackout and pass out so that I wake up when the liquor store is closed today.
This post was edited by its author on .

(ID: b1e31e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2930

File: 1714901277875.png (160.43 KB, 1280x960, asafffaf.png)

>>2929 time for a nap!

Shalissa (ID: 7df1b3)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2931

File: 1714901472856.jpg (84.7 KB, 519x415, Looni.jpg)

You're more than welcome to share my bed

(ID: b1e31e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2932

File: 1714901565686.png (385.69 KB, 3000x2055, 579016__suggestive_artist-colo…)

>>2931 tempting, but I have things I need to do before I go to bed

Shalissa (ID: 7df1b3)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2934

File: 1714901967412.jpg (81.14 KB, 558x477, Yuno gasai blushing.jpg)

Just a little touch before you leave. I desire it.

(ID: b1e31e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2935

File: 1714902026080.gif (1.4 MB, 442x565, 1395199781087.gif)


(ID: b1e31e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2936

File: 1714906602754.png (266.54 KB, 1101x1152, Maud chickun.png)

I'm making progress

(ID: fb109f)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2938

File: 1714912125122.gif (1.22 MB, 219x234, dash379.gif)

(ID: b1e31e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2939

File: 1714912281965.png (379.04 KB, 1280x720, Maud_Pie_with_Gummy_biting_on_…)

>>2938 ok never mind then

(ID: fb109f)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2940

Making progress with your programming? I'm taking a Baldur's Gate break.

(ID: b1e31e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2941

File: 1714913812879.gif (928.97 KB, 700x394, 579056.gif)

>>2940 backing away slowly usually means you want no part of something, just saying
how close are you to finishing the missions?

(ID: fb109f)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2942

File: 1714913951857.gif (404.05 KB, 362x345, dash378.gif)

For me it's just a fun .gif I use when I want to announce I'm here.

I finished one in the morning, now I'm just trying to get an achievement or two.

(ID: b1e31e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2943

File: 1714914110439.gif (158.58 KB, 259x285, 5758800.gif)

>>2942 What are the achievements?
This post was edited by its author on .

(ID: fb109f)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2944

File: 1714914256833.png (283.08 KB, 1280x720, dash38.png)

Kicking someone off a ledge so they die from falling damage. Or killing a spider mini boss before its eggs hatch.

(ID: b1e31e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2945

File: 1714914362279.png (137.1 KB, 833x960, mlp_maud_pie_by_ispincharles-d…)

>>2944 I'm surprised you haven't completed the first one already. not a fan of kicking?

(ID: fb109f)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2946

File: 1714914478902.jpg (54.43 KB, 772x1034, dash27.jpg)

Nah, you'd need to be in the right position and it takes just as much time as a regular attack. And if they drop into bottomless holes it doesn't count.

(ID: b1e31e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2947

File: 1714914587690.png (1.08 MB, 668x1024, asasafafttr.png)

>>2946 Oh yeah that'd make it a bit more difficult then. I assumed bottomless pits counted. If you kill an enemy in a bottomless pit, do their items magically spawn next to the hole, or are they gone forever as well?

(ID: fb109f)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2948

File: 1714914789989.png (193.45 KB, 394x445, dash367.png)

No, if they fall down a bottomless pit they don't take damage per se, they are just gone... and their loot with them.

(ID: b1e31e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2949

File: 1714914816558.jpg (147.82 KB, 829x715, 8D043F73-EF69-43C0-9C4F-16D027…)

>>2948 I imagine you aren't knocking too many enemies down bottomless pits in that case.

(ID: fb109f)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2950

File: 1714914945212.gif (974.55 KB, 640x360, dash306.gif)

Only now and then. I killed a major boss that way though, making the battle much easier.

(ID: b1e31e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2951

File: 1714915052393.png (266.54 KB, 1101x1152, Maud chickun.png)

>>2950 kind of cool that it's even possible to do that to a boss. but don't you wonder, what epic loot you lost by doing so? ... are you going to play back through the entire game to get the loot? genocide run!

(ID: fb109f)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2952

File: 1714915184482.jpg (44.45 KB, 918x521, dash462.JPG)

There's plenty of items anyway, doesn't matter when you miss out on a few things.

(ID: b1e31e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2953

File: 1714915365537.png (302.45 KB, 1200x1023, 5761450.png)

>>2952 Ah, true. Are you 100%ing the game then?

(ID: fb109f)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2954

File: 1714915798930.png (170.17 KB, 932x750, dash159.png)

Oh no, I'm just having a little fun now.

(ID: b1e31e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2955

File: 1714916166713.png (179.06 KB, 1600x1200, 585601.png)

>>2954 What % of the achievements have you finished?

So I didn't do any significant work on the chan. But I did fix an issue with a secondary backup. I also updated the DNS, SSL, and Apache to resolve the secondary test chan subdomain, as well as the new game I'm working on. The site for the game is currently non-functional though it resolves properly. I'm using a site I created years ago as a starting point, and I'm paring it down right now to its bare bones functionality. So I got a bit done.

(ID: fb109f)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2956

Right now I'm close to 50 %.

Do you have a finished story concept for your game?

(ID: b1e31e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2957

File: 1714916518909.png (324.86 KB, 1024x600, 1411837383287.png)

>>2956 gggggggenocide run? come on you've got so much left to do!

concept yes. specifics, no.

(ID: fb109f)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2958

File: 1714916598623.gif (704.22 KB, 640x360, dash259.gif)

Nope, just killing goblins now!

That's something at least.

(ID: b1e31e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2959

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>>2958 It's why I wasn't able to keep up when you were 'playing' it in the /rp/ thread. I don't have binders full of materials and I'm kind of slow at coming up with stuff like that. I'm not a good DM. But if it's an interactive thing I can write and test as I go, that I can do quite well.

The general concept was supposed to be that you're an equivalent to "Sweepstakes Winner" (Return to Zork), and that you've chosen to go on vacation in Equestria. Zork itself has incredible lore and history, with elements whimsical magic, dark alchemy, and fantasy in a steam-ish era. But in setting up this vacation, the inept travel agency has fucked things up, and aspects of 'your' world travel through and alter Equestria. So the result is a sort of bizarro Equestria borrowing elements of various Zork games, where your goal is to solve puzzles and fix the world.

That was the concept, which I don't think I ever fully got across.

(ID: fb109f)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2960

I remember seeing Zork still in stores here, back in the 90s, but I have no knowledge about it really.

(ID: b1e31e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2961

File: 1714920062015.jpg (6.46 KB, 198x255, rock.jpg)

>>2960 You wouldn't necessarily need to know it because you can find out everything from the descriptions. mostly easter eggs for those who do know them I guess.

(ID: fb109f)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2962

File: 1714920603212.png (315.73 KB, 904x709, dash142.png)

Well, if you need anything tested, let me know.

(ID: b1e31e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2963

File: 1714920776678.jpg (105.97 KB, 768x1024, 576.jpeg)

>>2962 Thank you; I'm not quite to that point yet. At the moment I have a site that just says "Test".

(ID: fb109f)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2964

File: 1714921066912.png (192.58 KB, 327x492, dash144.png)

Let me know how it proceeds. I'm off to have supper now. Talk to you later!

(ID: b1e31e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2965

File: 1714921283763.gif (1.23 MB, 322x253, 1395292818783.gif)

>>2964 Have a good one

(ID: b1e31e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2968

File: 1714935063760.png (10.15 KB, 797x313, Untitled.png)

looks like ass right now. but it can take, store, and recall inputs. it's a start!
good night

(ID: b1e31e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2972

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(ID: fb109f)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2974

File: 1714965867150.png (28.43 KB, 672x800, dash197.png)

Making progress there.

(ID: b1e31e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2976

File: 1714969078197.gif (2.02 MB, 435x368, 587530.gif)

>>2974 I couldn't sleep. had too much running through my head and had to get up to keep working on it. but now it's time to go driving. hope you're doing well. sorry I'm a dick.

(ID: d611a1)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2978

Don‘t worry, hope things will look up again soon! Good luck driving!

(ID: b1e31e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2979

File: 1714991473319.jpg (78.58 KB, 1000x1000, 675058__safe_solo_sleeping_mau…)

>>2978 I hope work is going well
hasn't been a very good night unfortunately; going to sleep early

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Work was okay, but I had a stuffy nose all day. It was super annoying.

Rest well!

Shalissa (ID: 7df1b3)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2983

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Snowbell (ID: d6fa14)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2984

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>Is it a black comb that will blend in with other black things you may have set it upon?
It's matte grey, which isn't much better. It'll turn up as soon as I stop looking for it.

>Is there anything likely to break the peace?

My ex-wife is the most likely suspect. She's been trying to make my life miserable for years now. She's been quiet recently because she was finally forced to pay child support after racking-up almost $5,000 in arrears but God only knows what else she might be plotting.

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I'm up! Munchkin doesn't like the thunder rolling through. going to do some programming; helps keep my mind off things.
>>2981 What's the weather like there?
>>2983 How are you doing?
>>2984 not much that's worse than a vindictive ex. If you don't mind my asking, how old are your children? Do you take them shooting or hunting?

Shalissa (ID: 7df1b3)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2994

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I'm.. Changing..

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>>2994 CLATU! VERATA! N~~

Shalissa (ID: 7df1b3)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2996

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You what'chu just say? That's our word!

(ID: b1e31e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2997

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>>2996 It was definitely an N word...

Snowbell (ID: d6fa14)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2999

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She's 15 now. I take her shooting every once in a while.

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>>2999 That's awesome! What kind of gun is that?

(ID: 7ea907)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3001

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Caught a cold, no work today.

Snowbell (ID: d6fa14)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3002

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It's my frankengun AR-15. Is a PSA 20" upper on a Spikes Tactical lower with a Fostech Echo 2 binary trigger.
Fun fact, I had bought the Aimpoint Comp M2 red dot sight you see here: >>2999 on Ebay years back and then sometime later I got a letter from NCIS China Lake informing me that it was stolen government property and they would kindly like it back so now it has a Vortex Sparc AR red dot.
Also I like to swap the parts on it whenever I get bored so it's different in almost every picture. This is what it looks like now:

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>>3001 the stuffy nose was just to give you a false sense of security! What are you going to do today?
>>3002 It's cool you can customize it like that. Where was it stolen from? that drum! How much does a setup like that cost?

(ID: 7ea907)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3004

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Staying in bed mostly, and playing more Baldur's Gate! How are you?

(ID: b1e31e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3005

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>>3004 sounds like a good plan. no emails today? How close are you to finishing the side missions?
doing somewhat better; I'm also staying home tonight.

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All done pretty much, chasing a few achievements now which I could do without much of a hassle.

Barely any e-mails. Missing out on two meetings though, which is good.

Sounds good. How are Muchkin's ears?

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>>3006 What are you going to do after you finish with Baldur's Gate?
how 'unfortunate' to have to miss meetings
We were outside walking when it started thundering, and she definitely heard that! I think she's able to hear better than she lets on and is often just being stubborn. but I'm still not 100% sure.

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I really don't know yet. Maybe some RPG work.

We had a pretty bad thunderstorm with lots of rain yesterday.

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>>3008 did you go out in the rain? is that why you have a cold?

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Not at all, it only started well after I came home.

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>>3010 seems now I have to try to track down a bug in the development suite I'm using to make the web game.

(ID: 7ea907)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3012

Oh, what's it causing?

(ID: b1e31e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3013

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>>3012 The site uses a CGI implementation provided by the suite creators themselves. And now that library throws errors upon compilation. I just updated to the most recent version of the suite. Oh well; it's been a while since I did any debugging for them.

found it.
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I guess there is no development without bugs.

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>>3014 The suite maintainer already responded to me. He's quick! Seems it will work fine regardless. So back to work.

(ID: 7ea907)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3016

I'll be lying down for a bit, have a good one!

(ID: b1e31e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3017

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>>3016 hope you feel better!

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Already looks nicer! Now add graphics of the room!

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File: 1715071415368.png (160.75 KB, 974x1024, asasafaf.png)

>>3019 Thanks! but that's a very long ways off. should graphics be added at all? Right now I'm working on basic functionality things, like being able to examine room objects, pick up and drop items.

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(ID: 7ea907)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3023

I would only add the most rudimentary graphics, like a map or something so you have a general idea of the layout.

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>>3023 Maybe that could be like an Infocom "feelie" on /fan/?

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Maybe some linearte or vector graphic like in Elite.

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>>3025 for the maps? or for actual graphics?

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more improvements

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For actual graphic.

Found a secret dungeon in BG3, off adventuring I go.

There's points and everything!

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>>3028 I'm a really terrible artist though.
good luck!

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next will be saving and loading games, and then opening/closing doors and other similar binary map interactions. good night

Snowbell (ID: d6fa14)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3031

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>Where was it stolen from?
From the Navy.

>that drum!

That is a Magpul P60

>How much does a setup like that cost?

About $1600 to $1800 I think. I didn't buy it all at once of course.

Shalissa (ID: 7df1b3)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3032

File: 1715101521611.jpg (83.65 KB, 564x511, Neco arc goku die.jpg)

>Stolen from the navy
I used to have so many fucking tourniquets and IV kits. But yeah, the way the military attempts to keep track of inventory is a fucking joke.

Snowbell (ID: d6fa14)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3033

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Yeah, but things like optics and NODs are things the mil actually tries to keep track of.

I've got BFAs, BUIS, rails, mags, pouches that were pilfered from Uncle Sam that nobody cares about.

Shalissa (ID: 7df1b3)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3034

Probably 'lost' or damaged gear from deployments

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>From the Navy.
Your tax dollars at work!
>That is a Magpul P60
Is it compatible with 'hypothetical' full auto conversions?
>About $1600 to $1800 I think. I didn't buy it all at once of course.
That's less than I expected. Do you typically buy used components?
What are you up to today?

>>3032 How's your day going?

Shalissa (ID: 7df1b3)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3036

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I'm tired and my eyeballs feel like they want to fall out of my skull. Other than that, I'm doing alright. How are you, Boat?

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>>3036 damn, have you been getting enough rest? or party too hearty last night?
I'm ok; just got up to walk my dog, and since I'm up, doing some star trek and programming. my former houseguest just stopped by. she's a trip.

Shalissa (ID: 7df1b3)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3038

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I stood up all night reading Cthulhu mythos related stuff. Oh.. And ERPing with chat bots.
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>>3038 from the OG or some specific universe? Is this for your RP?

Shalissa (ID: 7df1b3)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3041

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Oh, nah. I haven't run a game of Call of Cthulhu since I was a teenager, really. There just isn't much interest for it. -- I'm probably going to be a complete normie and just do Dungeons and Dragons 5e or something to that effect. For the moment, I've been downloading appropriate maps, making some maps, and picking out tokens while making sample characters that will probably end up getting thrown to whatever group of adventurers to turn into a chew toy. I've also just been jotting down some note, interactions, and encounters that I might want to throw in. Sometimes I like to think of ridiculous traps as well. Grimlock's was a fun book back in the day for that, but that's when I was playing AD&D and instant death was common.
You're welcome to join if that's your cup of tea.

Sometimes I like to listen to Lovecraftian stories on youtube while I lay down. I had always sort of known about Y'golonac, but after I found out that there was more to him in stories than just that one CoC RPG game, I started digging a little more.
12 Nightmarish Lovecraftian Monsters Who Define Cosmic Horror Explained!
He reminds me of those headless giants with faces on their stomachs and chest; the Blemmyae.

"Cold Print" by Ramsey Campbell / Cthulhu Mythos

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>>3041 I've not had much experience with D&D. What I did experience was fun but it ended up being hours of planning followed by one incomplete campaign each that ran for one or two sessions. I don't want to hold you up with it because the time commitment isn't something I can promise. But I am interested to hear what happens when you run it.

I like the concept of Lovecraftian stuff. But the only one I ever really tried to get into was Mountains of Madness for a Ponychan book club. I was so incredibly bored by the writing style that I couldn't finish it. But I like the general concepts I've seen in games, movies, and stuff.

>>3038 I want an ERP chat bot!
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Shalissa (ID: 7df1b3)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3043

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Sounds like fun. I'll be sure to keep you updated.

The mountains of madness was alright. The only issue with actual Lovecraft books/stories rather than inspired (the lovecraftian genre of monsters) is that Lovecraft prided himself on being an intellectual and it shows. He goes out of his way to talk about logs and colleges, and british style exploration; and all of that. Once you get pasted it and get down to the monsters it is pretty good.

Which character for a chatbot would you want? I could make you one.

(ID: b1e31e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3044

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>>3043 nice!

To me it read like DBZ. the 5 minute recap, the 2 minutes of stuff happening, the 12 minutes of buildup, and then "find out what happens next time" - but in every chapter. I never got to the monsters. I just got hints that monsters existed that were far beyond my comprehension, though exactly like IN THAT FAMOUS BOOK THE NECRONOMICON. just couldn't do it...

I don't know; surprise me!

Shalissa (ID: 7df1b3)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3045

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Oh wait a second. I got my stories mixed up. I thought you were talking about the dunwich horror. That is actually a really good story and there absolutely is a monster in it.

It's about A family of weird psuedo incest mountain people that have a strange albino daughter. The visit this mountain where weird rituals have been taking place and perform unspeakable acts. Eventually the daughter gets pregnant by an unknown father and gives birth to this weird black goat person thing. It's just human enough that most people mistake him for a disturbing man. The goat thing is incredibly intelligent and begins growing up at an accelerated rate. Long story short, the Goat-Man-Thing, had a twin brother. They were keeping it in the barn and feeding it livestock. When cows weren't enough to satisfy its hunger (and after the goat thing dies), it breaks out and goes on a rampage. It's invisible so the main characters come up with some magic powder that dissipates its invisibility. It ends up looking like some kind of weird mashup of eyes, mouths, teeth, and a massive face with tentacles that whipped around and sucked peoples blood. It turns out the Outer God Yog-Soggoth impregnated the woman from before and one of her sons just so happened to resemble its father more so

Another short list of stories where monsters and magic actually show up: The Call of Cthulhu. The Rats in the Walls. Dagon. The thing on the door step. And The Hounds of Tindalos.

I could make you one on Crushon. It's what I use when I need my ERP wishes fulfilled. It isn't the best AI in the entire world, but some of the bots are surprisingly immersive if they're programmed right. If you want, I could spoonfeed you on how to get pretty much as many free messages as you want. I've gotten pretty good at programming the bots themselves, but the ones other people have made are pretty decent as well. For the price of free, it's a pretty decent and cheap thrill if you're into getting your rocks off to a quick and easy NSFW story.

>surprise me

I'm not so good at surprises with this kind of thing. I'd much rather prefer if you chose something you liked. Message me on discord if you're interested.
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>>3045 see now that sounds like a more interesting story!

Sounds good, as long as I don't have to make a bunch of emails or something.

Shalissa (ID: 7df1b3)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3047

File: 1715121925323.jpg (48.96 KB, 373x476, Neco arc cat fox.jpg)

You'd have to make one fake email (Or just use one care to throw towards it), assuming you don't clear out your internet history often. I could send you a code. You'd get free messages, and so would I. (Not that I really need them. I have like 1000.) If you use a fake email and clear out your history, it's not going to remember you and you'd have to make another.

I've have two accounts; both were registered by a temporary email generator. From the temporary email, I confirmed each account; then I sent a friend code to each. Bam. Like 200 free messages right off the bat.

After that you just log in and stack up the 50 free messages it gives you daily.

It sounds like a lot of work, but trust me. It takes like 10 minutes.
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>>3047 alrighty then

Shalissa (ID: 7df1b3)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3049

File: 1715122758847.webp (123.57 KB, 1080x1078, average voidchanner.webp)

Just imagine the sweet musky scent of boulders and gravel as you rizz your way into Maud Pie's heart!

(ID: b1e31e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3050

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>>3049 How does the friend code work?

Shalissa (ID: 7df1b3)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3051

File: 1715123780046.jpg (8.4 KB, 252x233, CRIIIIIME ITS THE WAY I FLY TO…)

Click bonus. It'll lead you to a menu with a bunch of 'tasks'. Click on your daily 50 messages and then scroll down to and input bar.


Use that code.

I'm about to make a throw away account on my phone, so you can give me whatever code you have as well -- So you get more free shit.

Shalissa (ID: 7df1b3)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3052

File: 1715124108699.gif (704.25 KB, 640x484, marisa-kirisame-touhou.gif)

Two tips: Top right corner is where you can edit your profile.

Give yourself a name and check off a gender. It'll make things better when interacting with bots.

Another thing. I forgot, but they made it so you have to long in cumulatively for two days and talk to a bot for at least 50 messages to be able to search for NSFW (unfiltered) characters. Fuck that. I'm gonna send you one I programmed myself.

(ID: b1e31e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3053

File: 1715124215025.png (152.17 KB, 814x1024, 6dnfgbf.png)

>>3051 oh I already made an account on here when you recommended it I think? I don't see an input for a code. It says this is my friend invite code: xOkeShhm Is that what you're talking about?

>>3052 oh ok, that sounds cool; thanks!

Shalissa (ID: 7df1b3)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3054

File: 1715124872323.jpg (198.06 KB, 894x894, celestia.jpg)


Yup. You should have received some stuff. Invitation code said it worked for me.

I have a few bots. They're from old accounts. I have Leah from Stardew Valley, (But when I made her, I was new to the game and forgot to input that she was into painting. lol. I just saw her working on someone's farm and figured she was a farmer. She's pretty good if you just want to jump into lewd scenarios), there's that Chuck-E-Cheese one, (A female version of Charles Entertainment. It's surprisingly fun, but can take the ball to get rolling sometimes. It was originally a sort of joke character, but I decided "Fuck it. Let's let people get horny with the mouse) I have an OC dark elf that I made up on the spot while drunk one night. A troll from WoW. And Harle from Chrono trigger.

I had a bunch of others that were pretty well programed, but I lost them when I left Japan. The ones I listed are some of my earlier characters works.

I was considering making a few more one of these nights now that I have like 3 stable accounts again. I'm just a little crossed on who I want to do next.
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>>3054 I'm not sure it worked. seems like I have to invite 10 people?

I haven't played most of those games, but I do know Marle. How would I chat with a bot you made?

Shalissa (ID: 7df1b3)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3056

File: 1715125318557.jpg (55.41 KB, 1235x476, redeem.jpg)

No, no. Scroll up to the top of the page and click 'redeem'. It's unnecessarily stupid, but you receive these coins and redeem them into messages. I think Crushon was trying to do something where if you saved coins you could redeem them for a better deal, (redeem 500 coins for 800 messages!) but have since stopped. After that you're good to go.
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>>3056 Ok it says I have 100 messages now.

Shalissa (ID: 7df1b3)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3058

File: 1715125830493.jpg (353.83 KB, 1673x705, redeem.jpg)

Go back to tasks. You should be able to get another free 50 for the daily.

Lemme know if you need anything.

(ID: b1e31e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3059

File: 1715125914022.png (197.44 KB, 1280x1000, 234567.png)

>>3058 I got the 50. What do I do with the messages? It seems to have been letting me chat with bots without using any of them.

Shalissa (ID: 7df1b3)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3060

File: 1715126004688.webm (3.09 MB, 1280x720, Fella.webm)

No, it's definitely taking messages out if you're talking.

The only way you can talk to them without messages is if you wait in this que that takes forever.
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(ID: b1e31e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3061

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>>3060 but it still says 100

Shalissa (ID: 7df1b3)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3062

File: 1715126236635.webp (16.5 KB, 461x338, blurred.webp)

I wouldn't question it. Lol

Urda (ID: 42d68e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3063

File: 1715128029409.jpg (67.8 KB, 492x660, Emma_Watson_2013.jpg)

Feeling better, a lot better.

Snowbell (ID: d6fa14)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3064

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>Is it compatible with 'hypothetical' full auto conversions?

>That's less than I expected. Do you typically buy used components?
Sometimes, if I can find them for cheap.
>What are you up to today?

Today I replaced the battery and blades on my tractor and mowed a feral patch of field.

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>>3063 glad to hear it! got any plans for the summer?
>>3064 that sounds very satisfying. How many acres do you live on?

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>>3068 good morning; feeling any better?

(ID: 7ea907)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3070

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A little, yes. Still staying home from work though.

How are you?

(ID: b1e31e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3071

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>>3070 that's good; hopefully some more rest today will help. more BG3 today?
I'm ok; just been getting ready to head out. looks pretty slow so not sure how long I'll be.
I spent a lot of time earlier while I should have been sleeping updating my game/project. I tried to optimize it to not get flooded by search bots but failed in my first attempt, then went back and streamlined part of it, so it runs way faster now, though the database is still a bit less efficient than I would like and the page loads are way dirtier than I would like. but it works.

(ID: 7ea907)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3073

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I think I'm really done with BG3 now, did all the things I wanted to.

Why are there search bots?

(ID: b1e31e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3074

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>>3073 time for more RPG work then!
It's just how the internet works. Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo, Yahoo, Ask, and thousands of random flybynights... They all scour the domain registries (e.g. ponychan.co is registered domain) and then look through all the DNS references (all the various ___.ponychan.co), and then go there and scour each page, following each link, to build their own search systems or for other purposes. That's how the Internet Archive knows where to find pages and what to save, for example. And the game I'm making is on a subdomain of ponychan, so bots have found it, and so they're showing up to 'play' the game, but they can't actually play it. So they're basically making new accounts and then leaving them abandoned. It's not a huge deal, but it does cause me some annoyance in testing since it makes the results not as clean.

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Maybe, if I feel like it.

Ah, I thought you were working on your game offline more or less.

(ID: b1e31e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3077

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>>3076 hope you get some rest then!

No one's ever going to play it offline. Getting anyone to download BYOND is like pulling teeth. And even the SS13 folks can't be bothered to open BYOND and play my games, even though they have BYOND already. So I'm making it 100% web based instead.
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(ID: 7ea907)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3078

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Yeah, I'm sure I'll find something to do.

Makes sense. Well, it sounds like you're making good progress there. =)

(ID: b1e31e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3079

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>>3078 It's a fun little project. There's nothing to do at the moment except move my test ball around, but if you want to see how it looks/works, you can see it at https://if.ponychan.co Once I get binary switches to work (doors, etc.) I'll start actually building the world out. probably some time this morning. and if you manage to break it, please let me know how so I can try to fix it

heading out; have a good one!

(ID: 7ea907)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3080

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I don't know which verbs to use in the game!

Have a good time driving!

(ID: 7ea907)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3081

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I've moved between rooms 1 and 2 and was unable to look at or interact with any of the objects! I think I have seen all there is to do!

The help page works.

⛵☎ (ID: 16adf5)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3082

Drove 25 minutes out into the next county, guy I pick up asks me if as part of my job, I can pay his traffic tickets. wtf

(ID: 7ea907)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3083

File: 1715152000930.gif (1.92 MB, 500x281, dash24.gif)

How can you even come up with such a question?

(ID: b1e31e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3084

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>>3083 it's already been the weirdest night of driving I've had in months. back to walk Munchkin in a minute.

>>3081 ah, yeah I didn't really explain how that works...
So objects #1-4 are test "room" objects, like things you might see in a room and possibly interact with but will remain in place. like a table, or a painting, or a chair, or even a path to another room.

Objects when properly defined can be referenced in multiple ways. e.g. "ball","red ball","rubber ball","red rubber ball" all work for the one "item" type object. But the room objects were never given multiple references since I had no reason to; they're just test objects. So they are simply "object 1", "object 2", "object 3", "object 4". and no other reference will work for them. "object #1" doesn't work for example.

Did you not see the ball, though? If not, that would seem to be a bug. It should be in Room 2.

Most of the commands listed in 'help' don't work yet. I copied it from a very old game I made. (the first game I ever worked on!) Look (at), Examine, Inventory, Take (all), Drop (all), movement, Save, Load, and Restart are the only things that work right now.
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(ID: 7ea907)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3085

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Done with food for now.

I tried to interact with the three "objects", only object #4 was given a number. The other two only said "object". And when it didn't accept "object #4" I just gave up.

Yes, there was a ball, but I thought that's just object #4.

(ID: 7ea907)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3086

File: 1715165971369.png (683.01 KB, 993x559, pinkie53.png)

The "crawl" command is not working!

I took the rubber ball. Iventory showed it, too.

(ID: b1e31e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3087

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>>3085 What did you have?
Yeah, I didn't even name them in game. They were just for internal testing. And since I already knew how to reference them... In the real game, the goal is to have way more redundancy so stuff like what you encountered doesn't happen.
That's object #5! Or item #1. Or 'ball' if you prefer.
>>3086 Yeah that's another that hasn't been added yet.
I think I've figured out how to deal with the bots though.

(ID: 7ea907)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3088

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Some minced meat patties with mashed potatoes.

Jump didn't work either. Anyway, you'll implement all those things in time.

(ID: b1e31e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3089

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>>3088 that's sounds quite filling. I take it you're feeling better?
I shouldn't have made that help command so soon...
I'm really tired; think I'm going to finish a few things in trekville and then go to bed. oh some stuff happened there too. I'm visiting the old alliance that my dad's still in for a couple of weeks.

(ID: 7ea907)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3090

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Yeah, nose is still stuffed, but much better than yesterday.

Ah, hopping factions? I hope you'll rest well!

Snowbell (ID: d6fa14)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3091

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I have 2 acres myself but there's more land I can mow when I feel like it.

(ID: b1e31e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3094

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>>3090 the one I was with before just merged into a super active PVP-heavy alliance
>>3091 get paid to mow, then the possibilities are limitless!

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still tired. my former houseguest and her partner are coming over, probably to stay for a few days. should be interesting. going to meet up with my business partner to do some programming, if I can stay awake.

(ID: c1a712)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3100

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You must have a lot of space to accomodate so many guests!

(ID: b1e31e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3104

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>>3100 "accommodate" is a strong word.
how are you doing? working from home?
heading back to my programming partner's place in a sec; just came back to walk Munchkin and grab some coffee

(ID: c1a712)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3106

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No, it's a Christian holiday, so no work today. And I've taken tomorrow off.

All good here, playing Baldur's Gate yet again.

Have a nice time!

⛵☎ (ID: d5f460)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3107

>>3106 what holiday is it? So you've got a very long weekend then; any plans for the weekend?
BG3 sucking you back in again!
I think I solved the bot issues, but I didn't have time to do much else
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(ID: c1a712)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3108

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Christ's ascension or something like that.

Yeah, it is! I'm easily half way in the game again. Got some more achievements.

Good work on the bots! Now time to implement crawling and jumping.

(ID: b1e31e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3109

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>>3108 I'm not familiar with that one
third time's a charm... for genocide run!
thank you. but actually normal/verbose/brief is next!

(ID: 6c655a)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3112

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No genociding here, only good boys allowed!

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>>3112 are you going to play all the way through the game a second time?

(ID: 6c655a)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3114

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I hadn't planned to, but now it certainly starts to look like it.

(ID: b1e31e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3115

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>>3114 How many hours have you spent in the game?

(ID: 6c655a)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3116

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190 hours by now. Slowly becoming my most played game on Steam.

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>>3116 What's your most played?

(ID: 6c655a)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3118

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Lord of the Rings Online with 260 hours. I think BG3 is now already second on the list.

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>>3118 not bad, not bad. those are the numbers of someone who has a life

(ID: 6c655a)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3120

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Only because the really big numbers were created outside of Steam years before. :P

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>>3120 yeah I shudder to think what my numbers would be if they included the non-steam offline hours

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The game I played the most was EverQuest... close to 8,000 hours.

Bed time now, night night!

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>>3123 good night!

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weird it doesn't want to put my posts on the front page.

I accidentally sprayed a frog with roach spray; it's probably dead now. former houseguest and her partner spent the night on my couch. I went to help with some programming for about 5 hours. we accomplished very little. and now this site's probably going to be impacted by the storm that just passed through. I'm going to bed. Good night.

(ID: 438e7b)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3138

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I deleted my worgle post again earlier.

Hope you won't have a power outage through the storm or something. Sleep well!

⛵☎ (ID: b1e31e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3140

>>3138 I got a message that about a third of the city is without power. And there might be more storms on the way. I'm just lucky that at the moment I have power even though there are power lines down in the area

Hope you're doing well. Just got up to walk munchkin

Snowbell (ID: d6fa14)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3141

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I've done that before. Eternally smelling of gasoline and grass clippings isn't as fun as they make it look. Not to mention all the bouncing and vibrating.

(ID: b1e31e)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  3142

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I went out driving last night. Terrible conditions for it, but I'm glad I did. Most gas stations were closed or out of gas; had to go a ways out of town to finally find some, and once there, the lines were long.
When I started, most of the traffic lights were out. A lot of people don't know what to do in that situation and just blasted on through. Thankfully I didn't see any accidents. Over the course of the night, crews were powering up the traffic lights with generators. I had several rides into the area directly his by the tornadoes. Trees down in every direction, fallen onto buildings, across the roads, ripping down lines and anything attached to them, traffic lights ripped off. some people 'trapped' at their houses due to trees down across their driveways. I gave a ride to one couple that had a tree fall into and impale their car; who said that was the best outcome otherwise a change in wind direction would have landed a tree in their house.
One group late at night ran out of gas while driving around trying to find gas. They were stuck at a gas station. I just went to a place that I knew had gas, in a direction they hadn't gone, and brought back some gas for them, saving them a lot of time, money, and effort over their original plan of going across town, to get another vehicle, etc.
There's a 4-lane divided canopy road right next to the area that was hardest hit. 2 of the lanes were entirely covered in trees. just a solid wall of fallen trees. and on the other side, there were fallen trees from the median, that people had cut a gap through. So this entire divided 4 lane road, with only a single passable lane in a single direction. It was wild.
In the area with the power or cable line that I drove into while coming home immediately after the storm, the entire road was blocked off.
It was a worse situation than most hurricanes that have hit since I've been here.

>>3141 My mom's yard guy does that. He's got a young son, probably 2ish, who rides around on his mower with him. The kid seems to enjoy it.
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wow this feels like a super early snapshot of the code. still got that old kusaba feel. is this on tinyboard?

Edit. definitely circa 2013-2014. after they added the themes and sitewide post editing but before they updated the post box and image previews. wow, this is such a throwback. I love it.
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Cat Dad (ID: f72e32)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3144

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(ID: ab6c6a)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3145

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hi. I'm more old than new, but I guess we're all pretty new here. Call me whatevver you like, but most people go with Raindrops

(ID: b1e31e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3146

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>>3143 Welcome!

Looking at the footer, this version of tinyboard was from 2013. I guess that probably wouldn't have changed even later though.

>>3144 Thanks again for hosting void!

Anonymous (ID: f72e32)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3147

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I'm new. But old new. So I guess I'm actually old new old. I'm newer than old but old to the new oldness

Anonymous (ID: f72e32)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3148

It was extensively overhauled versus vanilla tiny board whereas voidchan is more of a shallow overhaul of tinyboard.
Although I was able to steal a few PRs from the ponychan repo and adapt them to change voidchan

(ID: ab6c6a)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3149

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It's really interesting looking back. there's elements that would have come from MLPchan, like the post IDs and the local timezone displays, and there's other elements that are pure Ponychan, like the themes. Vinyl Trance still best theme. Gosh I've missed that.

(ID: b1e31e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3150

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>>3148 That's pretty cool. I still need to try to track down and fix the things that aren't working properly.
>>3149 I had to spend some time fixing the themes. Some of them really butchered the layouts due to incomplete definitions or just weird choices. They're a lot more uniform now in their functionality.

Anonymous (ID: f72e32)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3151

I think if you deviated at all from what .net had going for back end software it would probably break things. It was overhauled to serve its own specific use case.

(ID: ab6c6a)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3152

File: 1715466187804.png (260.48 KB, 990x807, it's really not that big a dea…)

it looks great. I would test the old salt codes but my file of old tripcodes is missing. I knew I was going to misplace that thing eventually.

!XSAILBoatg (ID: b1e31e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3153

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>>3151 Do you mean for tinyboard?
>>3152 it's probably in a super secure location!

Anonymous (ID: f72e32)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3154

I mean for ponychan. I assume you installed it off of the Bitbucket repo. I thought about switching voidchan over to it early on but the stack I already had set up didn't like it.

(ID: b1e31e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3155

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>>3154 That's why I'm a bit confused. Why do you need .net? Maybe it's yet another secret dependency I'm not using.

Anonymous (ID: f72e32)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3156

I mean .net as in ponychan.net

(ID: b1e31e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3157

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>>3156 Ah, ok, that makes more sense.

(ID: 438e7b)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3165

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Ah, site's working again. Good morning.

⛵☎ (ID: b1e31e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3167

>>3165 good morning! how's your weekend going?

(ID: 438e7b)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3168

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Played games with a friend yesterday. Got RPG later on today.

Are you out driving?

(ID: b1e31e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3170

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>>3168 sounds fun; hope it goes well. I was just getting ready to head out. got a few more things to do then off I go. last night was pretty wild. >>3142 I imagine tonight will be more routine.

(ID: 438e7b)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3171

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Fingers crossed. Do you still have your guests around?

(ID: b1e31e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3172

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>>3171 They were here last night. left today before the power came on and went to the place they normally stay. I don't know if they're coming back tonight or tomorrow or at all. They left a bunch of stuff here but didn't mess things up too much. their relationship seems to be very rocky. former houseguest was opining to me that they hadn't had sex in a long time, and how she just needed a vibrator but couldn't find any. I remembered I had an ancient one I'd ended up with and gave it to her. she seemed quite happy. gotta run. let me know what happens in the RPG!

(ID: 438e7b)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3173

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Drive safely! Maybe she left some of the stuff she took from you before!

I wonder about what will happen, too.

⛵☎ (ID: efba13)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3174

>>3173 they showed up right as I was leaving! So I guess they're staying for the night. But they found an RV belonging to a brother of a friend. That they might be able to use after tonight since it's sitting empty at the moment.

(ID: 438e7b)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3175

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What's a RV?

⛵☎ (ID: efba13)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3176

>>3175 recreational vehicle, a camper

(ID: 438e7b)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3178

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Ah, I see. Well, that's not where I'd want to live.

⛵☎ (ID: b1e31e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3180

>>3178 me neither but a lot of people like the flexibility of living in one

(ID: b1e31e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3181

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time for some brandy

(ID: 3285fc)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3184

Hope it was good!

Snowbell (ID: d6fa14)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3185

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Now that the mower is in working order it has of course, rained every day since.

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>>3184 really hit the spot, but knocked me out. how did RPG go?
>>3185 Who needs a rain man when you can just repair your lawnmower for guaranteed results?

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We had a good time. Some duke got abducted and we had to find him in the wilderness.

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>>3196 Who abducted the duke!? Are you back at work today? or is today part of your long weekend?

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Henchmen of the half-god wizard, it's always his croneys behind everything.

I'm working from home mostly this week.

How are you?

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>>3198 The good guys need their own henchmen!
How are you feeling? Are you fully over your cold?
I'm doing ok; staying home tonight. I got first place in my Duolingo ranked competition this week. There's been more drama in Trekville, too. I finished a new ship today.

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I guess the heores are the henchmen of the good guys.

All good here; yeah, the cold is completely gone by now.

Nice work on the lingo; did you learn all the Hungarian? There's always drama at Trekville. I think there's always drama in all multi-people-games.

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>>3200 The bad guys are complaining about those damned goodie two-shoes henchmen.
How's work looking this week?
Former houseguest and her partner were supposed to come over tonight, but they flaked out, and now they're coming in the middle of the afternoon tomorrow maybe.
I learned a bit. It's a bit overwhelming at times, since they've started retroactively throwing in more words I should "already know."
I was on a 2 week 'vacation' in game hanging out in the alliance my dad's still in. And in the mean time, the crew i was with before split with 1/3 leaving, left the alliance we'd just joined, tried to join another one and decided against it, then joined a third alliance and basically were given the reigns to take it over and rebuild it.
>my new ship the Cerritos. I think it's from Lower Decks.

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Hard to say, so far work looks good. Only one meeting today, no others planned for this week.

They really should make up their mind whether they want to come over or not. I'm sure you have better things to do than waiting on them.

Sounds like the typical drama, alright. Everyoen wanting to do something else.

That's a nice ship. Could be from Lower Decks, I've only seen clips of it. Looks kinda like a Miranda-class ship.

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>>3202 I saw an interesting YouTube video, about how modern corporate structure is basically the textbook example of covert resistance and sabotage according to the CIA. meetings, endless paperwork, and zero discretion to assure the absolute minimum is achieved.
How did you manage to swing it where there's only one meeting in a week?
Honestly, no. I was going to take the night off anyway. just lucky it turned out that way, though.
All of that happened in the span of a week. really caught me by surprise when I found out they were in the alliance I had just joined with them.
It's a support ship of some sort. I'm not 100% sure how it works yet. It requires special currency/fuel like a lot of things in this game, which I don't yet have.

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Yeah, but that means they are sabotaging themselves. The issue is that there has to be KPIs for everything, everything needs to be proven, nothing is believed. And that automatically means more paperwork and clumsy systems that half of the time just get in the way of efficiency.

I'm always the one getting invited, not doing the inviting. It's fully out of my hands. I guess no one needs anything clarified or discussed right now.

I'm sure you'll make the most of your new ship. If nothing else it will look pretty in your ships list.

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>>3204 Yeah, that's the very idea. "Hey, you want to help sabotage the powers that be? Tank their productivity. Suggest more meetings. File all the paperwork you can. Constantly talk in meetings to waste time. Insist that people double, triple, quadruple check everything, with yet more meetings and paperwork. Etc."
You can help sabotage the business by calling your own meetings!
Yeah I'm a big fan of support ships. Most people don't use them well. I just pulled the trigger to advance to level 39. 39's the last level in what's called the 3* economy. After camping at 35, I rushed to 39 much faster than most, so I've got a lot of catching up to do now. but I like my rate of progress.

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Well, here it's the "powers that be" demanding those things though. It's all coming top down.

I'm sabotaging myself then! So no meetings.

So, what comes after level 39? New economy?

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>>3206 that's why it seems so strange, that they would sabotage themselves.
So the 2* economy had 'common' and 'uncommon', 3* had those two plus 'rare', and 4* has those 3 plus 'epic'. Ship 'parts' currency up until this point were just ship parts, but in 4* you get 'broken' ship parts that have to be refined into usable ship parts. Less of what you can buy can be supplemented with latinum. So more and varied resources required for basic things, slowing things down substantially. I just made it to 39 after rush-building about 20 buildings.

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I hope you'll make it all work out for you!

Gotta be off now and do some work, take care!

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>>3208 good luck; don't work too hard!

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>>3212 good morning; how are you today?
running some tests in trekville at the moment

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Doing alright, starting up my laptop to start work.

What are you testing?

(ID: b1e31e)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  3216

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>>3215 no meetings today! hopefully not too many emails either. time to work on your RPG.
We were testing a PvP theory/idea, where the weakest ship in the game can cause % hull damage to any ship under certain circumstances, to slowly whittle away and bring down any ship, or otherwise cause asymmetric damage to it. A Mantis special ability (sting) causes the enemy ship to forego its attack for 1 round, during which the weak Realta attacks. The Realta in this case has a "burning" crew, with a % chance to inflict burning status on each of its 2 attacks. If it succeeds, the enemy loses 1% hull at the start of round 2. If the Realta has an additional specialty officer, it might be able to cause 6% or more hull damage before it gets destroyed in round 2. The Realta takes no resources and no time to repair, but using this against particularly strong ships can cause hours worth of repair time and massive repair costs. and it turns out, it works!
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Yeah, keeping my fingers crossed about those meetings. Not much RPG work to do right now, so I guess it'll be Baldur's Gate again.

Sounds like you found some tactic there.

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>>3217 How are you enjoying your second playthrough?
Given I'm a free-to-play player, anything that can even the field against the pay to win types is useful.

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Pretty good so far, did a few things differently but still mostly the same.

Just throw some money at the game!

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>>3219 it'll be like comfort food, but a video game!
I ain't got money like that. some mo'fuckers be spending $1000s per month on this game.

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Hm, I guess something like that.

Wow, that's a lot of money for some game.

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>>3221 gotta add some chili powder to it with a genocide run though.
people with more dollars than sense. trying to buy their way to outdo each other with pixels on a screen.

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I killed one of my companions yesterday when she turned on me. I pushed her off a cliff and the battle was over in 2 seconds. Shame she had some of the cooler armor.

I'm the best at pixels on a screen!

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>>3223 wow, was that just a random thing? why'd she turn on you?
I'm ok at screen pixels. going to make some cheese sandwiches. I'm out of hotdogs at long last.

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I didn't properly try to talk her out of becoming her dark goddess' helper, so she turned on me.

Those hotdogs sure lasted a while.

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>>3225 and then you THIS IS SPARTA'd her off a cliff? How does that impact the game?
never got bored of them either. but now I have to go get some groceries.

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She was standing right next to a chasm, so down she went. Well, I cannot do her quest lines anymore now. Other than that, not much will change.

Gotta do some work myself, see you later!

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>>3227 That's practically begging to be kicked into oblivion.
Good luck!

Snowbell (ID: d6fa14)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3246

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Today I acquired a moka pot.

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I had one of those but never really used it.

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What's a moka pot?

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A type of small coffee pot you can make an espresso in.

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>>3249 you don't make espresso? I make my coffee really strong

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I'm having one right now. But I just use my Nespresso machine for it. It's much easier just pressing a button than having to set up that moka pot.

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>>3251 Is that one of the pod types? I never understood the difference between espresso and regular coffee. Are you working from home today?
I spent almost a full day on a trekville event just to get blown out and stuck with 2nd at the last second. time to start getting ready to drive.
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Espresso is a very small, strong coffee.

No, heading to the office in half an hour.

Oh no, that's a shame.

(ID: b1e31e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3254

>>3253 How is that different from just strong coffee though? like if I double the amount of grounds in my coffee pot, does that become a pot of espresso?
good luck; don't work too hard!
I don't think he'll be able to do the same thing next week. guy used at least 3 special mining tokens to beat me. and I used just 1.
Thread reached its image limit. Have a good one!
former houseguest and her partner on the way over apparently.
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(ID: 4d7176)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3255

I think it's about the dilution with water. I bet there's some specifics to it.

Have a good one yourself!

Why did it reach the limit already? I think it was a much higher one last time.
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(ID: b1e31e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3257

>>3255 less water, more grounds! just finished brewing a pot and ready to head out.
I mentioned the change in >>>/mode7/63 . It's partially to reduce the image bloat and thus the size of backups, and partially to give the illusion that anyone uses this site. Taking 2 months to reach the image limit in one of the most active threads is a bit ridiculous.
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Snowbell (ID: d6fa14)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3258


This is moka pot:
Is smol.


Espresso is all about concentration. You use fine ground dark roast and water pressure to squeeze 20+ ounces worth of coffee into ~5 ounces. In other words is very strong.

(ID: b1e31e)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  3260

>>3258 like a slightly more tasty caffeine pill!

new thread: >>3259

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