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File: 1719266132033.webp (126.84 KB, 1280x720, Princess_Twilight_%22not_the_p…)

I hated the finale (ID: 0c355a)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid:   218

I don't like how twilight looks

(ID: 73e5ad)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 233

File: 1719852835105.png (1.24 MB, 1280x720, all42.png)

To each their own.

I liked their looks.

EMF Scootaloo!G4/R19.jIE (ID: b8c053)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 393

File: 1724532165154.png (205.43 KB, 500x621, e52d573177b0687aabf1b0ae83fa62…)

Really? I hated the finale because it was the end of the show.

Whoring with Sponsorship Lillith (ID: cc9396)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 394

You're grounded Sletvana, until you stop trying to make this about your horrendous libido overtaking your brain.
Meanwhile, I spy a very pretty lady.
<I hunt the magnificent Pachiderm to feed the tribe!

EMF Scootaloo!G4/R19.jIE (ID: b8c053)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 396

File: 1724535537626.jpg (272.51 KB, 800x800, a79c7833afdd4495cdbd31dbd764b1…)

I went to the Blind People Convention this morning. I'm not blind or anything I just thought it'd be cool to go meet blind people, y'know, at the Blind People Convention. So I went to the Blind People Convention and I looked outside and there were all these like, fluorescent glow-in-the-dark strips on the floor leading into the Blind People Convention and I was like, dude, why do you need fluorescent strips on the floor, this is the Blind People Convention, blind people literally can't see them. I went in and I asked the guy at the counter this and the guy at the counter was like 'yeah but all the staff here are only partly blind' and I was like 'really?' and he was like 'naw dog I'm fucking with ya it's just Geoff who's partly blind'. I didn't really know what to make of that.

And then man door hook hand car door because Europe far rope munches Britain fantastic Gabe Moist ferris wheel Arctic Tempest.

Alejandro by Lady Gaga.

Lillith (ID: cc9396)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 397

File: 1724538118386.png (184.42 KB, 605x341, Pick one everworld book after …)

Oh hatater, without your boyband of he she cyborgs, and may I say what lovely duplicates, you'd be reduced to happily walking beside your allies.

Anonymous (ID: cfca81)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 403

Do you think Twilight prefers anal sex?

Nother Nonymous (ID: aba467)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 469

File: 1729449837509.png (227.91 KB, 501x500, Celestia_weeps+drinks.png)

I liked how Twilight looked in the finale — a lot. I didn't care much for big muscular Spike. The age marks in the other Mane Six made me sad.

░▒▓║Taiga║▓▒░ !TaigaVQX9Y!!MmhSxkAg4m (ID: ca463a)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 472

File: 1729548569204.png (207.76 KB, 753x835, Osulusreading.png)

I kind of do, but her sharp Celestia-like jawline does feel, well, not so Twilight to me.

I kind of disagree with spike, only in that Im pleased its just how he imagined himself early on, but that too could have been nicer lol.

The age marks also poked my heart hard.

https://www.penn.museum/cgi/hieroglyphsreal.php?fullname=A+ll+E+rgro&inscribe=inscribe Lumaria Azrael Leliel Yagami (ID: 3c51a4)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 473

472 vs Cybaman
You do know how stories about abilities gained too quickly in one upsmanship tended to end? You still need to have respect for the old stories, and not with that brainwave configuration.
"Vow to be the voice of the world she'd hear above all and any other."
Have some vizene for those bloodshot half blind eyes of yours, and let it burn you alive.

Lumaria Azrael Leliel Yagami (ID: 3c51a4)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 474

File: 1729550993416.png (433.52 KB, 430x641, Bumper cars BUY SOME APPLES.pn…)

>>>> >>>> >>>>472 vs Cybaman You do know how stories about abilities gained too quickly in one upsmanship tended to end? You still need to have respect for the old stories, and not with that brainwave configuration.
"Vow to be the voice of the world she'd hear above all and any other."
Have some vizene for those bloodshot half blind eyes of yours, and let it burn you alive.

LUCY! Time to turn off the AI.

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