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for testing purposes

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spoiler test Anonymous (ID: fa8510)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  978

Let's see here...

Does this work like I expect?
Or does it work like I don't expect?
Is it the best or the worst or the very first?
Luna and Celestia aren't best princess. Not Twilight or Cadence, or even Sunny, but pic related.

Anonymous (ID: fa8510)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  979

Now again, this time longer

The mane 6 ate the skyline. Princess Celestia watched negligently as destruction bespoke a new day.

She cast an idle glance to Luna, who stared on blank eyed. No doubt some mix of fear on the mane 6's actions and bloodlust being held back, leaving no room for her to think.

"So, this is what beautiful days look like in ruination?" Celestia asked.

And, as before, Euqestria continued on.

Anonymous (ID: fa8510)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  980

Now let's trying hiding something:

I've got a secret, I've been hiding, under my skin. I'm secretly (you)

Yes, (you), not you, but the reply (you) itself.

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