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File: 1711598052709.jpg (1.01 MB, 2458x3072, qxg7v3sdotta1.jpg)

In the pit Shalissa (ID: ed513a)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid:   1448

Will argue about anything. Try me.

(ID: 275aff)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 1460

File: 1711603265650.mp4 (210.2 KB, 300x240, 710a1f49-5592-478e-8203-f61b07…)

Snowbell (ID: 9d56a3)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 1463

File: 1711605018272.jpg (336.62 KB, 2048x1149, 409135355_967238575404378_7262…)

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

(ID: 74bf32)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 1500

what happened to all the posts :o

Shalissa (ID: 84bbd1)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 1501

File: 1711636642125.jpg (51.67 KB, 563x544, Bird woman bloody gore vomit.j…)

I deleted them.

(ID: 74bf32)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 1502

cant have shit in detroit with these woke mods smh

Shalissa (ID: 84bbd1)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 1504

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(ID: 74bf32)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 1505

(but fr I didn't see anything you said after my last reply cuz I went to sleep)

Shalissa (ID: 84bbd1)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 1507

File: 1711637938421.gif (1.24 MB, 600x338, zero two waltz.gif)

And that's the way the cookie crumbles.

(ID: 275aff)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 1508

rabble rabble rabble

weren't sufficiently argumentative

(ID: 74bf32)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 1509

I see. I will take that as tacit confirmation of the now-presumed-sensitive inquiry I made.

Shalissa (ID: 84bbd1)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 1511

File: 1711638531879.jpg (93.94 KB, 629x666, Scottish vomit.jpg)


Is e pòg an dòigh as fheàrr air argamaid a thoirt gu crìch.

A Dhia, tha mi airson a bhith leis an deoch an-dràsta.
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Shalissa (ID: 84bbd1)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  1525

File: 1711641955173.jpg (35.21 KB, 889x383, Shut up man you're fucking ann…)

Extremely sensitive. I'm literally shaking and crying as I'm typing this out right now.

(ID: 74bf32)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 1532

File: 1711643142333.jpg (36.66 KB, 560x487, ERLlaVhWAAAHtPU.jpeg)

Nonny (ID: 84bbd1)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 1534

File: 1711643404118.webp (38.32 KB, 624x616, nya id win.webp)

I'd insult you, but frankly, I know little about you because you aren't important; you have no charisma or presence; no originality or style; and ultimate are not an interesting person to talk to.

(ID: 74bf32)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 1537

I used to be less boring, probably.

Shalissa (ID: 84bbd1)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 1539

File: 1711653334762.webp (38.91 KB, 600x600, a-goblin-character-i-made-to-h…)

I said you were uninteresting, not boring. I haven't been exposed to you long enough to be able to tell if you are outright boring. You rub me the wrong way, but you're not out right making me snore.

For example, wanting the death of both Israel and Palestine makes me a bad person? Nah dude, fuck those people. I never got why people have never experienced, seen, or faced the reality that those people are barely even human. They're more akin to chimpanzees. Those people would rape you for a being a woman out at night, kill you for not being a muslim, and among many other reasons; how people can be so ignorant to atrocities by a collective group of people who in which the majority supports the death of innocents while claiming to be apart of religion of peace and love.

The only thing they'd love to do is chop your fucking head off. Seriously, I saw in a survey a while back that like 80% of Palestinians believe in religious law, death to homosexuals, transexuals, and anyone is an infidel.

The Zionist movement, (which is a particular sect of Judaism) have very similar ideas about 'outsiders' to their religion. They don't even really like American Jews. It's all just to save face. Did you know Christians and Atheists actively get targeted in Israel on a daily basis? The IDF also kills civilians, fakes videos to bait people into sympathizing and supporting their wars, and won't shutup about the holocaust even though it's been nearly 100 years since that happened.

Seriously, who the fuck cares? You don't see me whining about the Genocide my people and my family had to flee from; and for the most part nobody cares anymore; because there isn't money in it.The holocaust was the best thing that ever happened for modern Jews because they can cry about it and expect everyone to feel bad and try not to be antisemitic. The holocaust made the Jews of today filthy rich.

Fuck that. Murder them all.
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Shalissa (ID: 84bbd1)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 1540

File: 1711654113341.jpg (105.12 KB, 1080x702, Neco arc gun.jpg)

Oh one more thing. About the majority of people supporting all of that shit. People love shitting on Germany for the Nazis and forget that there was actually only a minority of people that supported the movement to begin with. It was a dangerous minority that grew in number.

They are a dangerous majority.

I hate to say it, but death is necessary over there for a lot of different reasons.
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(ID: 74bf32)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 1541

There is no realistic scenario where murdering tens of thousands of people, most of whom are children, is morally correct or defensible. And "everyone on both sides should die" is way too ludicrous a position to even engage with. Serves me right for going into an arguing thread, I'm outta here.
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Shalissa (ID: 84bbd1)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  1542

File: 1711655134098.jpg (56.5 KB, 736x736, Blitzo sweat.jpg)

>There is no realistic scenario where murdering tens of thousands of people, most of whom are children, is morally correct or defensible. And "everyone on both sides should die" is way too ludicrous a position to even engage with. Serves me right for going into an arguing thread, I'm outta here.
Actually there is. When both sides are utter shit and cause the rest of the world around them to suffer. That is literally happening right now as we speak as has been for over 100 years. All this shit started way before WW2. Then fuck yeah, load those people up onto a pile of tires and just set the motherfucker ablaze. It's war with barbarians. Sometimes barbarianism is necessary to get ride of a problem. As for the children, if they live they'll just grow up to start the process anew. If anything they have to die with just as big a priority as the adults.

It's draconic, but it would work. I think a lot of people are afraid to realize that.
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Shalissa (ID: 84bbd1)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 1543

File: 1711655505726.gif (3.5 MB, 476x498, Yawning anime girl.gif)

This should put things into perspective. Just replace the word druid with Jew or Palestinian.

The Virgin Historical St Patrick vs The CHAD Hagiographical St Patrick

Anyway, I'm done. There's nothing really to say about the situation out there. Yeah. Kill them all for all I care.

(ID: 275aff)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 1550

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>>1541 Shalissa manages /chat/. If you don't like the vibe here, you might want to check out /void/. or possibly start your own if you're so inclined.

Lenk (ID: 273719)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 1641

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>comparable to Jews/Hebes
OK retard
""Saint"" Patrick was no hero! He did not convert Ireland the Christianity within either 1 or 2 generations, it actually took hundreds of years, ditto for Scotland, Isle of Man, Poland, Slovak territory, the Basque country areas and East Slavic lands. the Baltic countries and Scandinavia (especially the former) were big time holdouts, and the non sedentary nomads of Lapland held out even more.
The Axis nations did many things, and the "Nanjing massacre" was overstated, and the hollowco$t is full of shit.

Shalissa (ID: ebe1b2)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 1643

File: 1711848566292.jpg (24.33 KB, 640x360, WAAAAHAHAHA.jpg)

Shut the fuck up, druid.

Lenk (ID: 273719)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 1645

File: 1711850809960.png (15.08 KB, 560x384, aba-There is some evidence in …)

FUCK NO, ya shithead. False equivalance galore, nog.

Shalissa (ID: ebe1b2)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 1646

File: 1711859558126.jpg (285.03 KB, 1603x996, Druid posts.jpg)

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