Anonymous (ID: 1dee27)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: No.8726
My pain is unending so now you have to endure my pain
>start eating healthier. I'm hungry after a workout
>"I'm gonna eat a sandwich with a lot of lettus for fiber and to fill me up!"
>mayo, lettus, tomato, and a good amount of ham
>"Might as well use the rest of this head of lettus for something.. I'll make chicken salad from scratch!"
>freshly roasted chicken, mayo, pink salt, pepper, and the rest of the lettus.
>I feast
>hours later and I have to use the bathroom...
>I have to take a shit (but I'm hiding from the shooters)
>the largest, most sharp, and painful log of shit begins to come out of my body, causing me to almost want to scream as I grit my teeth and shut my eyes closed
>agony shoots through my body from my asshole as I begin to see red and blue squares and 'sparks' of light in my closed vision
>Dear God just let me die!