>>261MikeeUSA is not a different entity.
That is my youtube account. Why would you think otherwise?
Do YOU make youtube accounts without random name generator or something?
Also you should note that there are 200 or so gameplay footage videos of a certain game; then you could note that that game is the one I program and make maps for. So that could raise a clue
>Hmm all this music is attributed to "MikeeUSA">Oh, also all these other videos, gameplay videos of one specific game, are of the opensouce game also attributed to "MikeeUSA">And all have text begging for code contributions and link to sourceforge acount
>Gears grind?
>Maybe...>Just maybe>this account is for this "MikeeUSA"OR
It could be for someone REALLY NAMED GregorySmith1974a (ie alternative) on his birth certificate, who just happens to upload videos exclusivly attributed to some OTHER named MikeeUSA (again on HIS birth certificate) all with a GPL memorandum or begging others to contribute to GPL game
I dunno, it's one of those.
But... if everything is MikeeUSA
... isn't it MikeeUSA channel?
And if I say "here is my attempt guitaring"
And it links to a video which says "by MikeeUSA"
What is the reasonable man's interpretation?
If I was a signed artist named "Thugg Panty Horse" (not on birth certificate), and I linked to a video, and it said "This video was released by Sony EMG" on Sony's website, and then a rap beat about fucking panty horses came on with a thugg black fellow telling you how all your white wumans fellate him like a horse.
Would you say 1) Na, this is Sony rapping
or 2) Maybe "Thugg Panty Horse" rapped these lynes?
or 3) other.