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File: 1722744724880.jpg (375.19 KB, 891x902, 16164966__77326.jpg)

My attempt at guitar-ing, post yours Anonymous (ID: 6173e5)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid:   225

This thread is for posting your own guitar/etc recordings.

Here's my attempt at guitar-ing. I put it through an SY-1 pedal.


Marry Little Girls.

(ID: 06f84f)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 226

File: 1722773309849.png (266.54 KB, 1101x1152, Maud chickun.png)

>>225 I haven't played any instruments in a very long time.

>Author: MikeeUSA

>Google MikeeUSA
>the Geek Feminism Wiki
This post was edited by its author on .

Anonymous (ID: 6bc1a8)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 246

Is there a problem?

(ID: 06f84f)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 247

File: 1724532095544.gif (1.58 MB, 576x324, 575937.gif)

>>246 not at all. It just wasn't what I expected to find while looking into the artist behind a random video that was posted.

Anonymous (ID: 1d9050)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 257

>>>246 not at all. It just wasn't what I expected to find while looking into the artist behind a random video that was posted.

What did you expect?
And in what ways was there a deviation from your expectation?

(ID: 06f84f)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  261

File: 1725515506787.jpg (142.76 KB, 1024x1024, time to rock out with my rock …)

>What did you expect?
>And in what ways was there a deviation from your expectation?
Well, assuming you're the OP, first you said it was "your attempt" so I expected it to be "your attempt" which, maybe it is - I don't know. I didn't expect "your attempt" to be attributed to a different entity named MikeUSA under CC-BY-SA dual licensed GPLv2, seeming to indicate that this is actually not your attempt at all. I was unable to find any other reference to "OctDreamSynthSyPth" so I have no idea what this composition is supposed to be, if it is actually you using someone else's music. And then of course, in trying to find out who the musical genius MikeUSA could be, I come to find that he's apparently most famous as an anti-feminist troll. props for that. And then I find out that Gregory Smith is actually a pseudonym for MikeUSA. So that leads me to the question: if you are actually MikeUSA, or if you are merely posting his content and claiming it as your own with the understanding that it was created by an edgy individual with some level of notoriety. Whichever is the case, doesn't really matter, but none of this was what I expected when watching a video about what was claimed to be your own guitar recording.
This post was edited by its author on .

Anonymous (ID: 19c2ff)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 262

MikeeUSA is not a different entity.
That is my youtube account. Why would you think otherwise?

Do YOU make youtube accounts without random name generator or something?

Also you should note that there are 200 or so gameplay footage videos of a certain game; then you could note that that game is the one I program and make maps for. So that could raise a clue

>Hmm all this music is attributed to "MikeeUSA"

>Oh, also all these other videos, gameplay videos of one specific game, are of the opensouce game also attributed to "MikeeUSA"
>And all have text begging for code contributions and link to sourceforge acount

>Gears grind

>Just maybe
>this account is for this "MikeeUSA"

It could be for someone REALLY NAMED GregorySmith1974a (ie alternative) on his birth certificate, who just happens to upload videos exclusivly attributed to some OTHER named MikeeUSA (again on HIS birth certificate) all with a GPL memorandum or begging others to contribute to GPL game


I dunno, it's one of those.
But... if everything is MikeeUSA
... isn't it MikeeUSA channel?

And if I say "here is my attempt guitaring"
And it links to a video which says "by MikeeUSA"

What is the reasonable man's interpretation?
If I was a signed artist named "Thugg Panty Horse" (not on birth certificate), and I linked to a video, and it said "This video was released by Sony EMG" on Sony's website, and then a rap beat about fucking panty horses came on with a thugg black fellow telling you how all your white wumans fellate him like a horse.

Would you say 1) Na, this is Sony rapping
or 2) Maybe "Thugg Panty Horse" rapped these lynes?
or 3) other.

Anonymous (ID: 19c2ff)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 263

>Well, assuming you're the OP, first you said it was "your attempt" so I expected it to be "your attempt" which, maybe it is - I don't know.
It is. I don't claim it's good. I'm happy if anyone likes it.
> I didn't expect "your attempt" to be attributed to a different entity named MikeUSA under CC-BY-SA dual licensed GPLv2, seeming to indicate that this is actually not your attempt at all.
I always GPL everything. This way other fellow opensource programmers can remix and use the audio if they want to. I used to upload the audacity files too but sourceforge deleted them all.
>I was unable to find any other reference to "OctDreamSynthSyPth" so I have no idea what this composition is supposed to be,
I was using the guitar through the boss SY-1 pedal in october. And marrying cute little girls would be a dream, thus the anime girl (cirno). Also it felt 80s to me.

>if it is actually you using someone else's music.

>And then of course, in trying to find out who the musical genius MikeUSA could be, I come to find that he's apparently most famous as an anti-feminist troll. props for that.
Thanks for the props :D
> And then I find out that Gregory Smith is actually a pseudonym for MikeUSA.
>So that leads me to the question: if you are actually MikeUSA,
> or if you are merely posting his content and claiming it as your own with the understanding that it was created by an edgy individual with some level of notoriety.
> Whichever is the case, doesn't really matter, but none of this was what I expected when watching a video about what was claimed to be your own guitar recording.

Anonymous (ID: 701975)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 271

The problem is that you're a faggot

(ID: 06f84f)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 272

File: 1725554712620.gif (740.96 KB, 960x540, 742505__safe_animated_equestri…)

>>262 Like I said, I already determined that Gregory Smith is MikeUSA. What I didn't know is if you were MikeUSA.
Most people who copyright things don't use one online alias to copyright things for another online alias.

I didn't check the gameplay videos since I assumed they were standard fare let's plays.

I could just as easily say "Here's me riffing with the boys" and upload some audio of Prince and the Revolution over a synthwave image, not only because doing so would be funny, but because
>literally me
is itself a meme and is never literally me/you. Doubly so since you're an anon with no established history, so I have to take everything you say with a 1lb box of coarse salt.

(ID: 06f84f)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 273

File: 1725555007583.gif (928.97 KB, 700x394, 579056.gif)

>It is. I don't claim it's good. I'm happy if anyone likes it.
It's pretty decent. Are you intending to use it in the game?
>I always GPL everything. This way other fellow opensource programmers can remix and use the audio if they want to. I used to upload the audacity files too but sourceforge deleted them all.
Why did sourceforge delete them all?

Anonymous (ID: 367883)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 275

Here's a theme I recorded on the bass some time ago, to remeber the notes.


Tried to login to the youtube account but it still wants a phone number. Guess I'm never getting on there again.

Anonymous (ID: 367883)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 276

File: 1725941663812.mp4 (3.64 MB, 1280x720, ThetaFoundTheme720_vlcd.mp4)


Author: MikeeUSA
Audio (C) License: GPLv2, CC-BY-SA dual licensed.
No claim is made to the image.

(ID: 06f84f)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 277

File: 1725961691479.png (400.98 KB, 1280x1024, music.png)

sounds like it could be a good title theme or something like that

Anonymous (ID: e3830e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 278

File: 1725978833750.jpg (539.76 KB, 1600x900, 1570108632347.jpg)

Thank you for taking the time to listen to them.

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